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Jungkook's POV

Arriving at his apartment he frowned when he found the door slightly opened and soon he heard his mother's high-pitched scream.

They're back, must be doing something funny.

Making a disgusted face he locked the door and walked towards his room but was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist mid-way.

He looked down to find a girl- A KID?!?

His eyes went wide as he looked around and then looked back down at the girl who was looking at him with so much admiration.

???: ' Brother.. '

She said ever so sweetly that it melt his heart but he snapped out of it and pulled his wrist out of her grip making her pout.

Jungkook: ' MOM, DAD WHAT IS THIS?!'

he screamed and in no time his parents came out of their room looking messed up. He scoffed as they both glance at each other nervously.

Jungkook: ' Who's kid is this now?'

He asked as he saw his father visibly gulping and avoiding his gaze, the little girl was sent to play in his parent's room so they can have some privacy.

Mrs. Jeon: ' J-Jungkook. Actually..'

She paused and looked down in shame as his father sighed and held her hand, seeing the interaction between them Jungkook raised his brows amused at the old couple in front of him.

Mr. Jeon: ' she's your sister.. Stella..'

Jungkook looked serious before he burst into fits of laughter and pointed at the room where the little girl just left to before accusingly pointing a finger at his parents.

Jungkook: ' After I was born, mom couldn't have another child you've got to be kidding me!'

Mr. Jeon: ' I cheated on her!'

That silenced him as he frozed and looked at his mother who was looking down, she was trying hard not to cry in front of him.

Whilst his father didn't looked ashamed as if he was proud of what he did. For once Jungkook felt ashamed for having such a douchebag of a father.

Just because his wife couldn't give him another child doesn't mean he'll go around banging any whore.

Jungkook: ' Mom why haven't you divorced him yet?'

He asked in a flat tone ignoring his father's presence completely obviously this man wasn't there when Jungkook needed him, he was never there.

He remembered his mother telling him how she was all alone when she gave birth to him and her father was laying dead in his apartment drunk, while his wife was in the hospital longingly waiting for him.

His mother never noticed the red flags since she was too obsessed with his father and never plans to leave him no matter what he does.

He hurts her everyday he was a sex, drug, alcohol addict.

when he saw tears in his mother's eyes he felt the need to hug her and tell her everything will be alright.

But she choosed him over her own son, he no longer wanted to help this woman who can't help herself.

Her eyes went wide at his statement she abruptly shook her head to which his father grinned.

Mrs. Jeon: ' How can you say that? He's your father!'

Instead of yelling at the culprit she was yelling at Jungkook, ignoring her tears like she always has ignore his presence he stepped backwards and walked inside his room slamming the door shut behind him.

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