Wish you were sober

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Inspired by Conan Gray's "Wish you were sober"

What am I doing here? Tzuyu thought as her nose gets filled with the smell of liquor and smoke, her ears getting blasted by loud music, eyes being overwhelmed by the constant change of the lights.

Why? Tzuyu wonders.

She finds her answer as her eyes lock to a specific girl, dancing without a care in the world. The sight is beautiful, if only the girl is not obviously drunk and is not getting looks from horny guys.

Men. Tzuyu thought as she rolls her eyes.

Tzuyu would never understand people who prefers to go to places like this, but then again a lot of people celebrate this way.

Today is one of her friends' birthday.

It's Jeongyeon's birthday.

She was invited, of course. The two of them have been friends ever since she can remember.

Obviously, she refused. Reasoning that she have important things to do tomorrow and she cannot drink, which was half the truth.

She is not a bad friend of course, at least is what she think. She gave tons of gifts to the birthday girl.

Why she was here was because of a specific call.

She was just in her room with her dogs, in bed while reading one of the books she have pilled up near her bed, it was a peaceful night for her.

Her phone started ringing.

And here she is now.

She made her way towards the dancing girl, it was kind of hard as she needs to push her way thru a pile of dancing bodies that are basically just drunk people.

Hands stretched out as she tried to grab the girl in front of her.

"Mina" she shouted

The said girl look at her with a silly smile in her face, she giggled and wrap her arms around the girls nape.

"Tzuyu~" Mina said in a sing-song voice. The taller girl's face started warming up at the closeness of the two.

"Let's get you home" Tzuyu said as she looks away and started looking for her other friend.

"Do you know where Jeong is?" Tzuyu asked the intoxicated girl.

Mina just looked at her and giggled once again. Tzuyu just sighed and shook her head, this is gonna be a long night.

They walked around the bar with Tzuyu dragging a giggling Mina to find there lost and most probably intoxicated friend.

A familiar tall figure caught Tzuyu eyes, finally she thought.

Jeongyeon was sleeping in a bar counter with a bartender looking at her worriedly.

Tzuyu pulled Mina towards the sleeping girl.

"Jeong, wake up" Tzuyu said as she shakes the sleeping girl awake.

Jeongyeon just grunted before swatting the hands away.

"Bitch wake up, I need to take you home" Tzuyu said as she shook her harder.

Jeongyeon sat up straight, at least as straight as she could right now.

Jeongyeon glared at her before her eyes slowly started falling slowly, followed by her body.

Tzuyu sighed as she felt the heavy body of her friend.

Pain in the ass, she thought

She started dragging the both of them out of the bar, Mina in her hand and Jeongyeon riding in her back.

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