Love ⛈☀️

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"Mina?" Tzuyu called out as she is being held by her partner.

"Hmm?" Mina responded not taking her eyes of the film they are watching.

It was one of their weekly movie marathon thing and they are watching some Disney movie Tzuyu forgot the title of but it looks gay.

"Do you love me?" She asked as she turns to look at her lover, sitting up straight so that the other knows that she's serious.

"Of course baby why would--" she was caught off when Tzuyu spoke again.

"Wait wait" Tzuyu started and chuckled bitterly, Mina looks at her confused.

"Did you even love me?" Tzuyu said looking at her straight in the eyes as she pushes her own tears back.

"Tzuyu what kind of question is that? Of course I love you" Mina said still not understanding where this is coming from.

"Mina, stop lying. Please" Tzuyu said as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"I saw you watching her videos again Mina, this whole month I see you watching it every night, Every. Single. Night. Mina did you even love me? Or Are we just together cause she said that as her last wish?" Tzuyu said with a bitter smile.

"Do you love me or do you see me as a replacement of Chaeyoung?" She ask again

Son Chaeyoung -- Mina's dead fiancé she died due to a health condition. She wrote a letter for Mina before she died, it says that "If ever I die and we aren't married yet Tzuyu can take care of you, she loved you even before I did"

They were bestfriends-- Tzuyu and Chaeyoung. Tzuyu was the reason they met, you can say that she's their cupid.

"No, no, no. Tzuyu listen to me" Mina said as she grabbed Tzuyu's hand and pulled her towards her to wipe the tears on her face not minder her own.

"I love you baby and you are not a replacement for Chaeyoung, I have moved on from her, it's been years baby. The reason I watch her videos if because her mom wants my help to compile videos for her death anniversary this sunday, I'm so sorry for not telling you" Mina said as she pulls her into a hug.

"So you really love me?" Tzuyu said as she buries her face more in Mina's neck.

"Of course baby, only you" Mina answered as she pecks the taller girl's forehead.

They stayed like that for a while before Tzuyu pulls away.

"I'm sorry for accusing you" she said as she hangs her head low, she's afraid to see the disappointment in her lover's eyes.

"It's fine, just don't doubt my love for you again, okay?" Mina said as she cups the other girls face to make her look at her.

Tzuyu just nod at her. Mina placed a peck in her lips before pulling her in a tight hug again.

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