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"Which member would you choose to be with if you are put in a desert island?"

"Mina unnie"

"Which member would you want to date if you are a guy?"

"Mina unnie"

"Who is the prettiest in your group besides you?"

"Mina unnie"

"Who has the most charm in your group?"

"Mina unnie"

"Why do you always choose Mina, Tzuyu?"

"Mina unnie" Tzuyu said without thinking, her eyes widen as she realize what the question was.

"I-I mean, Mina unnie just have a lot of charm, and she is really smart plus she is the really beautiful" Tzuyu said as she turned red

The interview continued with the host asking their thoughts about the show.

As their schedule finished they went inside the van and the girls started teasing Tzuyu.

"You know, you are too obvious Tzuyu ah" Sana teased as she turns to the younger who is sitting in the back.

"I don't know what you are talking about unnie" Tzuyu said as she shrugged. Oh she knows what she's talking about but they really won't stop until she admits that she has a crush on her favorite Unnie.

"Tzuyu has a crush on Mina" Nayeon said in a sing song tone.

Soon the other girls joined causing the younger to grow redder than she already was.

"Unnie shut up, Mina unnie is sleeping" Tzuyu said as she took a glance on the girl sleeping on her shoulders or should I say used to be sleeping.

Tzuyu met the brown eyes that she kept getting lost to, red would be an understatement if you see her.

"You like me, Tzuyu?" MIna asked the taller with innocent eyes.

The taller didn't say anything and just looked the other side, over the view of the city.

Mina leaned over her and whispered. "Go to my room once we arrived" Mina said with a small smile.

Tzuyu turned to her and just nod. The other members watched this interaction and gushed over how cute the two was.

Tzuyu ignored them and just plugged her ears with her airpods and blasted the music causing for the others to stop.

The girls started talking to themselves because of this. Knowing the younger can't hear them anymore

Soon they arrived to their dorms, fatigued started hitting all of them as they made their ways through their own rooms.

Tzuyu made her way to her own room and changed her clothes to her sleepwear before making her way to Mina's room.

She released a sigh before knocking on the older's room. A small 'come in' is heard before she turned the door knob and entered.

Mina is sitting at the edge of her bed wearing a cute penguin pajama making her smile softly.

"Hi" Tzuyu said with a smile.

"Hi" Mina replied.

"So about the thing at the car, I--" Tzuyu wanted to explain.

"It's fine Tzuyu, I noticed it too, I just turned a blind eye." She started and Tzuyu remained silent standing still in front of the door. She knows where this is going and she knows damn well that she would get hurt.

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