Chapter 1~Introduction

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Rahma sat in the car as she tried to find a solution to the problem she got herself in ,she tried to snick inside the principal's office and she got caught doing that and now she was thinking of a way to convince her parents not to murder her ,she can already picture her mother's disappointed look and her father's cold glare
"She groaned thinking she was probably not going to get away with this one , she had been suspended a lot and the last time she got suspended ,her father was so angry at her he didn't talk to her for 2 days she promised him she will never get suspended again but here she is two weeks later expelled from the school ,oh god she had really done it this time ,

A loud bang interrupted rahama's thoughts her father had slammed the door of the car so hard she felt bad for the poor car ,

"Rahama you had really done it this time how could you do that?"her mother said trying not to shout too much , they were already moving her father was driving and he didn't say a word , rahama stayed quiet as she listened to her mother scold her she didn't say a word she looked at her fingers as she chewed on her bottom lip ,

When they arrived home her father parked the car as they got out at the same time she stayed in the car fidgeting in her seat as she watched Her father storm inside the house she tried to think of ways to apologize to her parents she was really sorry this time she sighed and got out of the car slowly ,she felt her head pounding as she squinted her eyes at the bright sun light she hurried inside the house and went into her room quickly she took a cold shower got dressed put her hijab on and headed downstairs ,

She found her mother in the kitchen cutting some onions on the kitchen island she sneaked up on her mother and hugged her from behind

" maaami naa" rahama said she knew her mother can never stay mad at her for too long mami didn't turn around to look at her she continued what she was doing rahama felt her mother's body tense

" mami come on I'm sorry mami I was just trying to get back my headphones form the principal he took it away form me , mami I had no idea he wasn't inside "

Mami continued to chop her onions and ignored her stubborn daughter she untangled her arms from her waist and went to check on her stew on the stove

"I don't care anymore "mami said closing the lid she walked pass behind rahama and into the dining room , rahama sighed as she followed her mother

"Mami dan allah I'm sorry pkease forgive me help me plead with abba ". rahama said as she sat on the dining table chair

she watched her mom set the table she usually helped her mom with setting up the table but she was afraid her mom's anger

"Rahama I have nothing to say to you I have offered you advice countless times that you should not push your father to the wall he might be quiet now but he really is very upset with you " mami said as she cleaned the plate with a white cloth

Rahama watched her mother as she chewed on her bottom lip and drew circles on the dining table she was feeling restless now her mother was right her father was quiet now but she can feel a storm coming she prayed a silent prayer and hoped for the best

"Mami inshallah nothing will happen I will apologize to abba and he will forgive me I am his one and only daughter after all " Rahama smiled widely and showed her dimples

Mami nodded " I hope so too baby " mami said going into the kitchen leaving rahama in the dining room deep in thought


"Sallam alaikum abba?" Rahama said as she entered the parlor after discussing with her mother how to appologize to abba

"Walaikum salam habibti come in " alhaji musa said without looking at his daughter he removed the glasses perched on his nose as he waited for her to sit in the couch

"Abba " rahama began but alhaji sa'id held up his hand making rahama stop she looked down at the brown rug on the floor she began to chew her lip her breath hitched and her throat suddenly became dry she's started to feel nervous again

"Rahama I've had enough of your childish acts I thought you'll grow out of it but looks like you're still not I've given you several chances and I changed schools for you hoping you'll learn and grow up but looks like you won't you're in your 12th grade about to enter college but you still act like a 10 year old !" alhaji Sa'id said his brows knitting together in anger he was feeling sad confused and angry at the same time she was getting on her nerves rahama was turning 18 in a week but she still acts like she's 10 he was fed up

" I've decided I'll not let you continue school just yet I'm going to get you married "alhaji Sa'id said standing up to grab the newspaper on the center table , rahama sighed " I'm sorry abba give me in last chance inshallah I won't do it again I'll go back to islamiyya and finish my hadda(memorization of the Quran ) before going to college I'll make you proud inshallah " rahama said with wide eyes hoping he'll believe her and trust her she needed one more chance just one more chance

" okay rahama but on one condition "alhaji Ismail said

" rahama sat with wide eyes as she waited for  alhaji  Sa'id to continue "just make a promise to me that when the time comes you'll do what ever i ask no questions asked "

Rahama felt relief she could do anything if it meant she could go back to school she loved going to school even though she gets in trouble almost all the time but she doesn't know what she'll do without school there isn't much to do in abuja she gets lonely during holidays most of her friends travel for the holidays so she's left all alone at home with her mom she liked being with her mami and all but it's nice to be with friends sometimes

" yes abba I promise" Rahama said of course she'll do anything school was her only way of freedom

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