Chapter 32

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I feel my head pounding before I even open my eyes. I slowly squint them open as I roll over onto my back and look around the room. My bed is empty and so is my room. There is a glass of water on my side table and I drink it then try to search my brain for memories of last night. I have a bad feeling that I did something stupid and judging by my hangover I'd say that's a good assumption. I groan as I try to will my headache away. The sound of footsteps entering my bedroom catches my attention and I glance over to see Lyla walking into my room in one of my t-shirts. I breathe a sigh of relief that she's here, that must mean I didn't screw things up too royally. I smile at her and she offers me a small one in return as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed. Okay, maybe I screwed up a little. She's acting distant from me, taking a seat at the end of the bed instead of beside me as she usually does.

"I want to say I'm sorry, but I don't really remember what I'm sorry for," I offer hesitantly as I watch her for her reaction. She smiles softly at me as she nods.

"Yeah, you hit the tequila shots pretty hard," she tells me and I wince at the memory of the taste. "You just got drunk and were upset with me because I wore my costume out and because of the Tyler thing."

"What Tyler thing?" I ask angrier then I had planned.

"It was nothing, we just were talking for about a minute at the keg, but you were on probably your fifth tequila shot and weren't happy about it." She looks down at the mattress as she pulls at a loose thread on the comforter with her fingers. I sigh as I run my hands through my hair.

"I'm sorry. I must have been a complete ass. You don't deserve that, I'm sorry I ruined your night."

"You didn't ruin my night," she tells me as she scoots closer on the bed towards me and lays her head on my shoulder. "I think your hangover is punishment enough." She offers me a smug smile. I laugh lightly then check my phone for the time seeing it's just past eleven.

"Ugh, I can't believe I have to play tonight, I feel like shit," I groan out.

"You should get some more sleep," Lyla tells me sweetly, "I need to head back to my dorm to get some assignments done anyway."

"You're still coming to my game right?" I ask and I know I sound pathetic, but I need to know that she'll be in the stands. She has become somewhat of a good luck charm to me this season.

"Of course," she replies softly as she leans into me giving me a kiss.

"Do you want ride home?"

"No, I'm going to run back, I brought over some clothes the other week so I should be good to go," she responds as she hops off the bed and moves to my dresser, pulling clothes out of different drawers. I smile as I watch her search the drawers then get changed into some suggestive leggings and a long sleeve top. "You get some rest," she orders me as she leans over me on the bed. "I will see you later." She leans down and kisses me, her lips tasting minty from her toothpaste.

"See you later beautiful," I reply as she skips out of the room and I lay back down in bed, hoping that when I wake up again I'll have gotten rid of this headache.

I wake up to my alarm sounding at three thirty. My headache is gone, but now I'm starving as I make my way downstairs. I find leftover pasta in the fridge that Lyla and I made Thursday night and serve myself up a large helping. Once I've eaten I start to feel more like myself. I text Lyla letting her know I'm up and feeling better. I have to be at the arena for five so I only have a small window of time now. I climb back upstairs and climb into the shower. As the water hits me it feels amazing, like its washing the remainder of the tequila shots off me. I swear the stuff was sweating out my pores while I slept. I stay in longer than usual, enjoying the hot water running down my body.

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