Chapter 14

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            I pull into an empty parking spot out front of Lyla's dorm. I look across to the passenger seat where I find her smiling over at me. Our hands are intertwined and resting on her thigh, where they've been the entire drive. She is still wearing my sweatpants and shirt I loaned her this morning and they look so damn good on her. They're baggy, but she can somehow make the whole thing look sexy, especially topped off with her bun on the top of her head. Not to mention the fact that it's a total turn on that if anyone sees her in them they'll know she's taken. I let go of her hand and exit the car, racing around the front end to the other side so I can open her door before she has a chance to. She giggles as I yank the door open and hold a hand out to help her climb out.

            As we walk towards her building we pass a few people who eye us up. A pair of guys walk by and I see them checking out Lyla as they pass and I instinctively place my arm around her as we continue walking and glare at the two guys who seem to catch my message as they pick up their pace and hurry off. Lyla looks up at me with a raised eyebrow at the sudden display of affection, but she smiles and makes no move to pull away. We reach her building and I reach out to open the door for her as she smiles sweetly at me and we head up the stairs to her floor. We pass a few girls in the hallway on to the way to her door and they giggle and whisper to one another once we've passed them.

"This is me," Lyla says as she stops in front of her door and turns to face me. I smirk down at her and nod in agreement at her silly statement, she is well aware I've been to her dorm before. A sudden thought enters my mind of any other guys that have stood where I am and know where her dorm is. I shake the thought away knowing it's absurd as she just started here and barely knows anyone.

"Let me take you out on a real date tonight," I blurt out and realize I did not phrase that as a question.

"A real date?" She asks with amusement as she peers up at me.

"Yes, a real date. I'll take you for dinner at a fancy restaurant and we can go to a movie afterwards if you'd like. I will even let you pick a chick flick if that's what you want," I tease her and she playfully reaches out and smacks my arm. I stick my tongue out at her and she giggles.

"I can get onboard with that," she replies. "What time should I be ready for this real date?" She teases me again and I absolutely love it.

"I will be here at seven with your chariot," I joke and watch her roll her eyes at me as she pushes her door open. Megan must have left it open for her since she still has her keys. She turns back to me before she opens her door and reaches up around my neck with her free hand, she rises up on her tiptoes and I need no further encouragement to dip my head down and meet her for a kiss. It's a slow and sweet kiss, unlike the ones we shared this morning in my room. She pulls away momentarily and then places one more quick peck on my lips before she lowers herself back to her normal height.

"See you at seven," she smiles up at me as she opens her door and disappears into her room. I head back out to the car, feeling like I could skip my giddy ass down the sidewalk, but I stop myself. I'm already grinning like an idiot, but I can't help that part. I reach my car and slide into the driver's seat, feeling a strange urge to run back up to Lyla's dorm and kiss her again. I miss this girl already and we've been apart for not even ten minutes. I reluctantly pull my car out of its spot and head home. When I walk into my house I find Danielle sitting at the kitchen island eating lunch.

"Hey bud, where were you off to so early this morning?" Danielle asks as she takes a bite of the sandwich she's eating. Danielle has always been like another sister to me, we have gotten each other through many rough moments in our lives having met in grade one. I sit down at one of the other stools at the island and unload all the details of the previous night and the early morning to her. She listens intently and gasps and laughs in a few different spots of my story. When I'm finally finished I get up from the stool and grab a mug to pour myself a cup of coffee. I can feel myself getting sleepy already and need to get some caffeine in my body.

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