Chapter 18

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I watch Lyla as she turns and leaves the shed. The girl doesn't know how much she's torturing me in those damn spandex shorts. They leave no mystery and my imagination runs wild as I watch her run back down to the track. I couldn't be more happy in my decision to come to this practice. Since I left her at her class after lunch I spent the time in between fantasizing about getting her alone again. When I saw her finishing up her warm up laps and Tyler was running alongside her my blood boiled. I watched them as she picked up her pace and eventually left him in the dust. That's my girl, I thought to myself. But, she's not my girl, at least not yet. When she finished the lap I was walking down to her before I knew what I was doing and shouting out her name. Everyone looked up at me confused and Lyla looked startled and almost scared as to what I might do. I know the girl doesn't like attention on her so I kept my distance and made up some dumb reason about hurdles to get her alone.

As soon as we were out of sight in that shed I reached for and fuck did her touch ever light me on fire. Her lips on mine. Her grabbing my hair and squeezing her thighs around my waist. I swear I was hard in under five seconds, record time in my books. It took every ounce of strength in me to pull back from her and stop us before I was fucking her against the wooden walls of this shed. I have myself back under control and exit the shed walking down towards the track where I scan and find Lyla doing squats with a group of ten or so other runners. I stumble a bit as I'm distracted watching her movements. I manage to tear my eyes away from her as I'm called over by one of the coaches to help out at the high jump mat in the center of the track. I jog down and I am told I'm in charge of adjusting the pole to different heights as the team practices. I know what to do, but I patiently listen to the instructions anyway. I'm annoyed as I'd rather be closer to Lyla, but at least with where I'm at I can still keep an eye out for her.

Practice drags on and I'm bored with my job assignment, but do as I'm told. I keep an eye on Lyla throughout practice and can't help but be impressed by her. She leads ahead of all the other girls in every exercise as well as most of the guys too. I find it such a turn on that she kicks ass and is an athlete. The competitive drive in her is so hot. I help take down the high jump equipment and carry it back to the shed along with the mat. I can see Lyla is doing a warm down lap so I wait at the edge of the track for her. I see Erica approaching me and inwardly groan bracing myself for her antics.

"Hey Shawn," she says as she gives me a seductive smile. "I hear you and Lyla are like a thing now?" She asks with disgust clear in her voice.

"You heard correctly," I reply as I look out onto the track at Lyla, not paying any attention to Erica.

"A heads up would have been nice," she mumbles bitterly to me and I can't help but laugh at her.

"A heads up?" I ask as I look down at her amused. "Like the heads up I got when you cheated on me when we were still together? Don't kid yourself, I don't owe you anything." I tell her and she taken aback by my response and stares at me speechless. I turn back to Lyla and wait for Erica to leave my side, not having anything more to say to her.

"You're right," she surprises me by admitting and turns to walk away before I have a chance to respond, not that I have any idea what I would have said. Lyla finishes her cool down and stretches. I walk over to her as she's grabbing her water bottle and heading towards the locker room.

"Mind if I walk you home?" I ask her hopefully.

"That would be great," she agrees and I nod back to her. She jogs off to the locker room and I wait for her out front of the building. I reach for her hand immediately when she walks outside. She gives me a smile that makes me understand every poor pathetic bastards actions in romantic movies that I used to make fun of. On our walk to her dorm we joke about some of the funny high jump fails I witnesses at practice today. Lyla shares a funny story from high school about a girl in her gym class that was a real bitch to her and ended up splitting her shorts open in a volleyball game one day. Lyla called it a karmic victory for herself. We reach her dorm all too soon as I walk her up to her door.

"So," I say as I face her in front of her door. "I have practice tomorrow and Wednesday night, but a game on Thursday. I was hoping maybe you'd like to come to our game?"

"I would like that," she replies sweetly. "Do you think I could maybe bring Megan along with me so I have someone to sit with?"

"Of course," I agree, happy with her suggestion when I remember who she was sitting with at my last game. Although that wouldn't be a problem this week anyway since Tyler is supposed to be back in the lineup on Thursday night. "Just let me know for sure if she's coming so I know how many tickets to get for you."

"I can definitely do that," she replies. I move in and place a soft kiss on her lips, lingering a moment or two longer then I had planned which seems to be a habit developing every time I kiss her. When I pull back Lyla smiles up at me as her eyes open, the blue pools shining bright. I stare down at her, admiring how beautiful she is without any effort. I already feel myself getting into deep water with this girl, falling faster then I should be. I place a soft kiss on her forehead before she opens her door and disappears behind it with a final goodbye. I turn and make my way out of the building, knowing damn well that I am falling for this girl and I am gladly making the jump fully committed and without fear.

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