Chapter 4

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I manage to tear my eyes off Lyla and focus back ahead of me as I walk down the sidewalk away from her. Luckily, I didn't walk right into someone when I was paying no attention to what was in front of me. I head back towards the athletic building to where my parked car is. I pull my phone out and notice that she saw my text. I resist the temptation to message her again already and slide my phone back into my pocket before I can't help myself. I smile as I think back to our conversation.

I admit, I had never been a fan of the volunteer requirement coach forces us to fulfill each season, especially knowing that I would have to help with track and would be running into Erica frequently this year. I inwardly groan at the annoying act she put on today in front of Lyla. Erica had always been quite possessive and jealous when we were together, but we have been broken up since last January now and she had been the one to end it. I tried my best to pry her off me today at the track as she kept latching onto me. I could see that Lyla looked completely uncomfortable with the sight and I had started to get pissed off that she was going to get scared off by Erica's little act.

When I caught sight of Lyla when I first arrived at the track I thought I might still have been daydreaming about her like I had been all day long. She did not vanish after I blinked a few times and I thanked whatever higher source brought her into my day not just once, but twice today. My eyes drifted over to her frequently throughout practice; especially in the spandex shorts she was wearing just to torture every guy here. I heard a few of the guys on the team comment about the 'new girl' and I found myself getting irritated by them. One guy had started to comment her bending over during her stretches and I had to walk away to stop myself from knocking him out.

The idea to offer her a ride home had come to me part way through practice. I had gone back and forth with myself over the idea, contemplating whether it would come off extremely creepy since I just met her, but ultimately convincing myself it would be a kind gesture. When she declined and told me she was just going to walk home, I felt a pang of disappointment before I blurted out that I could join her. I really thought that would be the nail in the coffin for her thinking I was being too pushy with her, but when she smiled back at me and accepted my offer, I breathed a sigh of relief. I watched her run off to the locker room, admiring the view from behind until she disappeared behind the door.

The walk back to her dorm seemed to pass in a matter of a few minutes when in actuality I knew if had taken about half an hour. I did my best to keep a slow casual pace as we walked, feeling the need to prolong my time with her. When she almost stepped out onto the crosswalk in front of that idiot who was speeding I reached out for her. My hand on her skin again gave me the same surge of electricity I felt this morning in the office. I glared through the windshield of the dumb ass who seemed to receive my message as I saw his face pale slightly with worry. I didn't want to let go of her arm, but knew I couldn't very well continue holding it either so I let go and we continued on.

I noticed the way her demeanor changed when I asked her about why she had transferred schools. She had looked off across the road for the first time during our walk and her tone seemed to shift to a quiet and nervous murmur. I could tell she was uncomfortable with the topic and admittedly I was curious, but I didn't want to push her to share. By the time we reached her dorm building I was even more taken with the beautiful girl. I tried my best to sound casual when asking for her number, but ended up rambling on like a complete tool. I was happy to find that she was amused by my antics and she even put me out of my misery, typing her number into my phone.

I reach my car and climb in, start the engine and head for home. During the ten minute drive my mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Lyla; her smile, her sexy laugh, her kind eyes. I swear I probably ran two or three red lights on the way home when I park in front of my house. I head into the house and find that no one is home when I call out for them. I head to the kitchen and find some leftover pizza in the fridge that I heat up for dinner. I head upstairs to my bedroom with my dinner, kicking the door shut behind me with my foot before I take a seat on my bed and pull my laptop out to work on some assignments for school.

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