Chapter 24

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We get back to Lyla's tiny dorm room with two bags of Chinese food. Lyla starts to unpack and lay out all the items we got on her bed like she's setting up for a picnic. When she is satisfied everything is setup perfectly she smiles up at me and gestures for me to take a seat on the bed with her. I learn quickly that Lyla cannot us chopsticks to save her life. I try to give her lessons but she gives up and uses a fork. When we finish eating, I clear all the containers off the bed. We snuggle in her small double bed and she lets me pick the first movie, which takes a long time as I try my best to stall in hopes she will cave and make the choice. I end up settling on a movie called Crazy, Stupid, Love. I haven't seen it before but the premise sounds funny and I am a big fan of Steve Carell.

We're spooning in Lyla's bed with her laptop setup on the mattress in front of us. She smells amazing cuddled up next to me. Her hair smells like coconuts and lime. The movie is clearly a romantic comedy and I regret not picking an action flick as I watch along. There's a scene with Ryan Gosling where he's shirtless and I groan loudly.

"I'm glad you choose this movie," Lyla comments as she teases me. I tickle her sides and she squirms against me begging me to stop and I do after a few seconds. I almost make a comment about Emma Stone, but stop myself knowing I'll be digging myself a hole. Truthfully, I couldn't care less about what woman is on the screen when I've got Lyla in my arms. Fuck, I sound like a sappy pathetic son of a bitch. What is she doing to me?

The movie ends and it's her turn to choose one. I make a request that it is Ryan Gosling free and she sticks her tongue out at me. She surprises me with her choice of Step Brothers and we lay back against the bed as it starts. We laugh throughout and I find myself amused when Lyla quotes direct lines from the movie. When the credits role I notice it is almost ten and judging from the two yawns Lyla has let out in the last half hour I better head out to let her get a good night's sleep. I move off the bed and grab my shoes as I start to lace them up.

"Don't worry about walking me out, you're all cozy in there," I tell her as she grins up at me and tucks the blanket up to her chin.

"I had a great time today with you," she says as she smiles up sweetly at me. Her eyelids are starting to get heavy as the droop down over her eyes.

"Me too," I agree as I finish lacing my shoes and lean down over her for a goodnight kiss. When I try to pull away her arms wrap around my neck holding tight as she tries to hold me in place.

"Nope you can't go," she jokes up to me.

"I wish I didn't have to," I reply with a small chuckle, but the words could not be more true. She pulls me down for another kiss before she finally lets go of me and I stand up.

"Good night and sweet dreams beautiful," I tell her as I back my way out of her door.

"Goodnight," she mumbles back to me in a sleepy voice. "Text me when you get home so I know you made it safely," she quietly commands and I nod back at her as I leave her room. I run to my car as it's still raining heavily outside. I have the windshield wipers on their fastest setting the entire drive home. I race up to the house and make it inside only a bit wet. I send Lyla a text once I'm in my room letting her know I made it home safe and sound and she replies instantly telling me goodnight again. I change into shorts and a t-shirt then walk downstairs to get some water and watch television for a bit. I'm not very tired after my afternoon nap. I find Danielle sitting on the couch watching something on TV.

"I'm so sorry about last night," Danielle spits out as soon as I walk into the room. "And today. I hope Lyla doesn't hate me now."

"She doesn't hate you," I offer her sympathetically as I can see she's truly upset about everything that went down. "I appreciate your apology and I respect that you're still friends with Erica, but I can't be friends with her. Especially when she keeps pulling shit like last night and this morning."

"I know," she says as she nods her head agreeing with me. "I thought she would be fine and she even promised not to start any drama when I offered her to crash her last night, but clearly we were both too drunk to be making promises to one another. It won't happen again," she promises me with a small smile.

"Deal," I say and offer her a smile in return.

"How did things go with Lyla?" She asks me concerned.

"As good as could be expected," I reply, "She heard me out about all the details and took it well on my end. If I had let her though she probably would have clawed Erica's eyes out this morning. Not that I would have blamed her." I chuckle as the picture of an infuriated Lyla from this morning pops into my head.

"Okay, good," Danielle says as she lets out a long sigh, "I was hoping that it wouldn't have caused a big problem with you guys."

"We're good," I reply and add a smile to reassure her. "What you watching?" I ask changing the subject.

"The Notebook. Ryan Gosling is a fucking babe," Danielle replies and I grunt annoyed and roll my eyes as I fall back onto the couch beside her.

"What?" She asks me.

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