The othet met Zalak nd were happy to meet such a joyful soul nd amused to know that she has powers too.

Everything was not okey but the tension was less. As Basant nd Junho already told them not to talk or think about past too much.

Everyone, except Mallika. She seemed too obviously irritated nd weird. Something was wrong.

She eyed at Junho.

Junho locked his eyes with her.

"20mins you are looking at me..what's the problem?" He said.

Mallika didn't knew she was looking at him for so long, she tried to speak clear,

"You both are not brothers right?"

Junho sighs,

"We are brothers"

"But you are not related by blood. So you can't be his family" Mallika says putting her spoon down. Everyone now stopped eating nd looked the both.

Junho who feels offended when it comes to family, "what do you mean?"

"You are not his brother. You can't be. Not at least a biological one" she blabbers.

Monika who was sitting next to her elbowed her to stop.

Mallika looked at her and then, " What i was just saying the truth.."

Nd it's more than enough for Junho, he stops feeding and looked at Mallika with rage in eyes, " What truth huh?"

"That you are not blood related..he just pity on you nd kept you"

"Mallika di stop" Kartikey says lowly who was sitting on the other side of the tabel.

"Nd who is his family then? You? The one who attempted to kill him..huh? What do you mean by he pity's me? Do i look like a dork who can't help himself!" Junho says anger fills in his voice.

"Well at least he don't pity me" She said.


"Junho calm down" Basant says, standing up as well.

"Ask her to SHUT UP!" Junho yells.

"Exactly Mallika be quite nd eat ur dinner" Basant says and the troop agrees.

"Come'on is truth not allowed here? He is an outsider here. We even knew Sumedh's childhood. What does he know? Nothing...he is No One here...but Still he is here why? Cause Sumedh pity him. Ofc.
Sumedh saved him..kept him. He should he thanking him...nd being doing everything he can to help him. But he just shows himself as a member of this family. You don't have a family or what? Go to them...or did they abandoned you? Hahah lol ofc i won't be suprised if they did so. You deserve it tho" Mallika says not knowing the consequences of hurting Junho.

Junho was fuming with anger opens his eyes which were deep blue ... the mansion starts to shake and a thin line of forst took over the place. The furnitures nd even the food.

The mansion became cold as a glacier.

"You just crossed the line!! Now pay for it" no sonner he said out of blue sharp thin ice flakes came as blade to cut her in pieces.

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