Chapter 14 - I'd Given Him A Kiss On The Cheek

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"Oh, it was nothing." She was obviously lying. Whenever she lies, she fixes her hair with her hands/ But why would she be lying to me about thw guy who tried to make a move on her? She tried to walk past me, but I blocked her with my arm.

She looked up at me innocently and like she wasn't scared at all but I could tell she was scared.

"Cheryl. Tell. Me." I said without looking into her eyes.

"Tell you what?" She pretended like something like this is not important. Well, it technically is not important to her, but it is to me. I kept silent but still, I kept my arm out and by that, I made her realize that lying is not something she can ever do now.

She sighed to herself. "Fine... He just... Yesterday, something happened and let's just say, he helped me.""What happened?" I asked, now letting my arm drop to my side and stared right into her eyes.

"Nothing much. I just fell and yeah." I stared at her hand which moved up to her hair and she fixed it again. I know she was lying but I thought to myself, it doesn't mean she lies everytime she does that though. So, I just believed her.

"You alright now?" I know I sould like I'm worried or concerned about her and I am. I will admit that I am worried about her safety.

"Yep, totally fine. Now, let's head back before Kim bores to death." When we both turned towards the gate, im was standing there grinning to herself. I heard Cheryl mutter something like "Not again..." I couldn't control it, but I laughed because I knew exactly what she meant.

 Cheryl's P.O.V

After we saw Kim standing out there, I realized Sha was standing beside her too. She also saw the whole thing with Zone and I. Knowing Sha, she would be giggling abot this whole thing and guess what? She was...

She just got out of the hospital because she didn't wanted to stay there. Sure, she was bruised and all, but she said she was recovering. That's why the doctor let her go.

Kim and I were talking about how the project for Geo had to be finished by tomorrow and Sha was giggling like mad. She was trying to scoop up some details about Zone and I and from Zone but she was miserably failing. Zone was just staring at the space in front of him and ignoring all of Sha's sweet comments about our non-existence relationship.

"Sha, come on... He's just emo at the moment. Just bother Cheryl." Kim said to Sha while winking at me.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't mind Sha's blabbering. She can ask all she wants and I'll answer her. We have became really close now. If it wasn't for Kim, I wouldn't have had such a great friend like Sha and if it wasn't for Sha, I wouldn't have fainted in the hospital. Oh, life...

Sha nodded and skipped towards my direction. "So... What's up between you and Zone? Why was he mad at you just because you talked to Blake? Why are you both so cute and do you like him? As in the crushy crushy like him."

I sighed. I answered her slowly hoping that after this there wouldn't be anymore questions. "Okay, firstly, nothing's up between Zone and I. Next, he was probably just curious about why the guy I hate is talking to me. Then, I admit that I'm cute and for Zone, I do not know and lastly, I..."

That was when I realized she asked me a question that had caught me off guard. I turned to look at them to find all of them staring at me, including Zone.

I tore my gaze away from them and I answered them almost truthfully. "I don't like him, but he is definitely awesome."

Sha seemed convinced with my answer and so was Kim. But something about Zone just looked a little bit off, like he was sad with my answer.

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