"Kind of."

"I'm going to make you talk to them when we get there."


"Because they're nice people. You don't have to worry about them being strict."

"I just don't like talking to people's parents in general."


"I don't know. I just don't."

"Did you talk to the parents of any of your previous friends?"


Minju tilted her head, "At least let me introduce you to them."

"Yeah? You're going to introduce me?"

Minju scoffed, "Ya. And here I thought you didn't want to talk to them."

"I mean... If you're introducing me to them like that..."

Minju rolled her eyes, "Let's head out."

"Sounds good to me."

Minju recalled their previous conversation.

He doesn't seem to be affected by what happened this morning. Should I really ask him who Nari is and risk putting him in a bad mood? I'm not sure... He seems like a lax person, but this is something sensitive so I don't know if that's the best idea to do.

As the duo arrived at Minju's house, Y/n felt a hint of uneasiness creep up on him.

"Mom, Dad, this is Y/n."

Minju's mom smiled at him while her father nodded his head downwards. Y/n nodded his head downwards in response to Minju's father while he bowed to Minju's mother.

Minju's mother held her hand in front of her mouth.

"Oh my, he's got manners!"


"I'm kidding. Make yourself at home, Y/n."

Y/n let out an uneasy chuckle, "Thank you."

Minju gestured towards the stairs with her hand, "Let's head upstairs."

"Are you going to take a shower Minju?" Her mother inquired.

"Yeah. Y/n is going to stay in the guest room while he waits."


The pair walked up the stairs, heading into their own rooms. As he sat on the guest bed, Y/n eyed the interior of the room.

Despite being a guest bedroom, this place is nice... Minju has to be really rich. That would explain the watch.

Y/n placed his backpack next to the bed, laying down.

This bed is more comfortable than mine... No fair.

Y/n closed his eyes as he took a deep breath.

Yeah... This is nice...

Y/n stretched his body as he slowly came back into consciousness.

What a good nap.

Y/n looked to his side to see Minju laying next to him, scrolling through her phone.

"Oh, good morning, sleepy head."

"How long was I out for?"

"Half an hour."

"Oh... Not bad."

"You can sleep longer if you want. Today's Friday anyway, so you don't have to sleep early today."

"You're right, but at the same time, I want to spend time with you and not just laze away."

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