Chapter 10:They're asleep.

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Characters: M/N, Uma, Mal, Y/N, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Gil, and Harry.

M/N = Mal x Y/N


Setting: Outside Evie's Four Hearts

Y/N P.O.V.

"How about we split up and find Audrey that way?" I asked. "That sounds good!" Carlos agreed. "Y/N, come with us and M/N can join us," Gil excited. "Okay, Gil, where is Harry going..?" "With you, sweetheart!" Harry cooed it his "charming" voice. "Mal can I go with you?!" I begged. Jay looked at me, confused. "Sure, honey, come on," She said as I stared at Harry, uncomfortably. "I'll go with you guys, then!" Harry said, trying to convince the boys that he didn't want to go with them, "No, come on," Jay said, winking at me, as if he knew that I was uncomfortable around him. "Were you two together?" Evie asked. "Yes, we were.." I replied, looking down. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "Miss me?" Uma asked. "Uma?!" Mal exclaimed. "That's my name," She cooed. I stared at her and moved closer to Mal. What? She's Ursula's daughter! Of course I'm gonna be skeptical. "Is she your ex too Or something?" Mal asked, teasingly. "No, I just don't trust her," I explained. "Awwweee somebody is scared!" Uma laughed. "Let's just go," Mal ordered. "I'm coming with you three," Uma demanded. "What about Ben? Where is he?" I asked. Yes, I knew that they were together, I caught them kissing outside Ursula's resteraunt. "He's with the boys, now let's go," She demanded. "No, I make the orders. Let's go," Mal ordered. The group and I walked in silence the whole way. When we got to Audrey's dorm I stared at everything. "Ooh~ A diary!" Uma excited. "I get to read it!" I yelled and snatched it from her. Oh, damn did Mal ruin her life. Poor thing, that's why she's so mad.. "There's something here!" M/N excited. "Oh..?" I looked at where my dog was sniffing. She wagged her tail at me and I pet her. I stared at the paper and threw it. "Mal's Castle," I stated. "What?" Evie confused. "She's on top of Mal's Castle," I looked at her. "Oh," She looked at me. "Well, let's go back to your's, Evie," Mal said. "Let's take her diary!" Uma exclaimed. "Yeah! Can we pleaaaassseee?" I begged Mal, as if she was my mother. "Yes, darling, we can," She said, in her best impression of Cruella. "Yay!" I excited, then Uma and I squealed like little girls and looked at eachother in disgust when we finished. "Never doing that again," I stared at her. "Agreed," she agreed.
"Let's go then," Mal said. I grabbed her diary and started walking with it before Uma tried to take it from me. "Let go or I'll turn you into a skin coat, like my mother tried to do to those Dalmatians. But I'll succeed," I explained, while maintaining eyecontact. "Okay, jeez," Uma said, a little startled. "Thanks!" I winked and walked with Mal. "Scary," Mal looked at me. "I take after my mother.. and grandmother, who went to jail.. for "killing" Estella..." I explained. "I didn't know that," She responded. "Yeah, I didn't know that my mother is the same person as Estella," I laughed. We got into Evie's castle and I saw Dizzy, Celia, and the Smee twins on the couch, asleep. "Oh, shit!" I ran up to the couch and covered the four up. "Don't worry, guys, and dumbass," I whispered. "Alright, let's get some cake!" I exclaimed, while Evie walked off. "What is up with her..?" I asked. "Let's go see," Mal replied. I whined  and so did Uma. I stared at her, looking her up and down. Mal payed no attention to it, then we got to the sewing room. "Doug wake up!" She yelled. "He's under a spell, Sherlock! Is she not a quick learner?" Uma asked. "She's emotionally involved," I explained. "Then kiss him," Uma ordered. Evie looked up at Uma, "What...?" She asked. "True love's kiss, works everytime, right?" "Oh, yeahh, let's do that!" Evie exclaimed as she kissed him. We all walked out of the sewing room and I stared at Jane's cake. "You seem interested in a.. cake," Mal noticed. "Is there a spell on this? Like a sleeping spell?" I asked. "Okay, you seriously need help. The cake has nothing but cake in it," Mal laughed. "How do you know?" I asked. "Would your brother make a cake with a sleeping spell on it for his girlfriend?" Mal looked at me. "My brother has a girlfriend?!" I exclaimed. "Yep, now, how about some cake? I'll cut it for you," she offered. I trusted my brother and my girlfriend so I said, "Hell yeah!" "Can I have some?" Uma asked. "Yeah, I'll get you a slice, also," Mal agreed. "Hey, Y/N, I know we have a bad past together... but can we start over?" Uma asked, nervously. I knew Mal was listening so I reluctantly said, "I'm Y/N Y/L/N," I say, holding my hand out for her to shake. "I'm Uma, you must be the daughter of Cruella? Right?" She asked, shaking my hand. Mal gave us our cake and saved some for took a bite of mine. "You theif!" I giggled. "Are you gonna call the co-oopss..." She stared out the window, which made a loud CLACK! I turned around quickly to see that the windows were being boarded up. Mal quickly stood up and her eyes turned an emerald green. "You caused my friends pain and fear, we've had enough now dissapear!" Mal yelled, holding her hands out. Uma grabbed Mal's hand and chanted the spell again, then the boards came off. "Whew, thank god we have you two," M/N said, in releif."

Word Count: 979

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