Chapter 8: Taken

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Characters: Audrey, Chad, Y/N, Mal, Evie, Harry, Carlos, Jay, Dude, Jane, and Gil.

Setting: Back at Mal's Castle.

Y/N P.O.V.

      Mal and I got home and I went straight to making the dress. I really wanted to give it to Mal. Mal got on the bed and looked at her phone. It wasn't until one O'clock AM that I finished. I was pretty rusty at this, because it had been so long since I used this thing. I went to the bed, drowsily and plopped down on it. I looked at Mal, who was sound asleep. I decided it was time to go to sleep also.

       When I woke up, I noticed that I was in a completely different room than Mal's. "M-Mal..?" I called out. "Hello, deary," Someone said. "W-who are you?!" I stared at the girl and boy, who had a pink dress on with Maleficant's sceptre. "Audrey and Chad~" She cooed. "W-wait, the one who made Mal older..?" I asked, nervously. "Yes, dear, now, I have a proposition," She said. "W-what's that...?" I asked. "I'll wake the kingdom up right now," She began. "On one itty-bitty condition~" she finished, trailing two fringers up from my waist. "Yes..?" I said. "You hook up with me, on a one-night-stand~" She cooed. "No! I am a loyal boyfriend!" I exclaimed. "Boyfriend? Who is your girlfriend then?" She asked, curiously. "Mal..." I replied. "What the fuck?! That old hag?!" She yelled. "She's back to being young!"   I yelled back. "Then, sleeping is too good for you!" She exclaimed. "W-what..?" I stuttered. She slammed the sceptre on the ground and it teleported me in a room.. with a bunch of.. DOGS?! I screamed at the sight of them. They looked at me and ran to me like they were going to eat me! I fell on the floor but to my surprise, I didn't get eaten. Instead, they licked my entire face. They weren't actually vicious pack animals... wow..

Mal P.O.V.

"Goodmorning my love!" I happily said. He wasn't in the bed. "Y/N..?" I asked. I looked behind me and to my surprise, he was gone! "Y/N!" I exclaimed. I ran downstairs, without getting my coffee because I was wide awake already, I slammed the front door open and drove to Evie's Four Hearts.

          When I got there, I walked in immediatly and headed straight for her room. I barged in without knocking and burst into tears. "M! What's wrong?!" She concerned. "Y/N wasn't in the bed when I woke up!" I sobbed. "Holy crap... Doug, we need to go, right now, I'll be back," she explained. We walked out and got in my car. "Where do you think he is..?" She asked. "I was thinking maybe Audrey..? Or she went over here to apologize to you.." I explained, my voice still breaking. "Apologize for what..?" She asked. "She felt bad for being so mean to you and wanted to apologize," I explained. "Well, let's check fairy cottage," She said. "O-Okay... but I have no idea where that is.." I replied. "Jane should know, lets pick up the boys and maybe we'll find Jane at Carlos's," She explained.

Jane P.O.V

I was walking to the enchanted lake until I got a text from Carlos.



(Carlos) Hey I wont be able to go to
the enchanted lake tonight, Y/N was
                                                                                                                              Oh kk, thats fine how abt another time?
(Carlos) Yea sure that sounds good

Well, I guess I should grab some enchanted lake water. I got my water gun I left yesterday and filled it up. I was going to come with them so I can help her. I haven't met Y/N yet and I wanted to start off on a good note, y'know?
I eventually found Jay's house and Mal's car was there. I ran up to the house and knocked on the door. I expected Lonnie to answer but, Mal did. "Oh, hi Jane, we were just about to look for you-" she said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, do you know where Fairy Cottage is?" She asked. "Yeah, of course! I go there wayyy to much," I explained. "Can you maybe.. drive us there..?" She asked, nervously. "Sure!" I agreed. "Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me!" She excited. "Let's go then!" I exclaimed.

Word Count: 759

Different. (Mal x Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя