Chapter 4: Stolen Sceptre

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Characters: Y/N, Mal, Evie, Squirmy, Dizzy, Squeaky, Celia, Belle, and Beast.

Setting: Auradon Castle


I was sitting on the couch, looking at things on my new phone. Damn, I never knew that phones could be so fun! As I was looking at images, I overheard Mal and the others having a conversation. "Wait.. Somebody stole the sceptre?!" Mal exclaimed. "Wait, do you mean Maleficent's sceptre?" I asked, confused. "Yes. Maleficant's sceptre has been stolen," Belle answered. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed. "This is a nightmare!" Beast added. "Who do you think it was?" Mal asked. "Uma.." Belle responded. "I know for a fact it's not Uma," Mal calmly said. "How?" Beast asked. "Uma went back into the Isle, with B-Ben.." Mal said, with her voice breaking as she said Ben. "Why?! The Isle is the worst possible place to be!" I exclaimed "I know, it's weird, Y/N," Mal responded. "We must figure this out!" Beast ordered. "We can't have anymore villains out, either," Belle added. "True. First we had Maleficent, then Uma. Now Hades." Beast said. "I-In that case, I-I think we should... c-close the b-barrier... forever.." Mal said, with a hint of sadness in her voice. "No! How will we see our parents?!" I asked, in a panic. "It's hard, Y/N, I know.. but as queen.. I have to do this.." Mal responded. I wanted to cry on the spot. "Mal, are you sure about this?" Belle asked. "I just think.. I w-wouldn't forgive m-myself if something happened to A-Auradon.." Mal responded. "Y-You know what..? I think you're right.." I said, on the verge of tears. Mal turned to look at me, her eyes were wide, as if she had just seen a ghost. "As much as I love my parents, it most likely has to happen. I know I don't have any say in this, but I think you should do it," I said, trying to keep calm. She ran to me and hugged me tightly. At first, I was infuriated, but I felt safe in her embrace. So I hugged her back. "Thank you, Y/N, that means a lot to me," Mal said.

Setting 2: Evie's Four Hearts.

Mal's P.O.V.

We were in Evie's sewing room and I was talking to Evie. "But you said no," Evie said."I know I did," I responded "I'm glad you are queen, you get to talk and stand up for us VKs in this situation," Evie complimented. I smiled. "Also.. the sceptre was stolen," I said, sadly. "Wait, what?" Evie said. "Yep.. We don't know who, though," I replied. "Well, we have find out!" Evie exclaimed. "I can get Y/N, and he can help us..." I said, making my way to the door. "Hold on.. " Evie said, stopping me in my tracks. "Yes?" I asked, confused. "You seem to be including Y/N in everything you do.. Is he forcing you or..?" She concerned. "He's not forcing me.. it just feels right to.." I explained. "Hold on, do you like him?!" Evie shouted, happily. "Shh!" I snapped. "Oh my god you like him!!" Evie exclaimed, joyfully. "E! Keep it down! Don't let him hear you say that!" I hissed. "Sorry, M.." Evie apologized.

Outside of Evie's Four Hearts.


I was outside eating some cake with Dizzy and Celia. We were just chatting, nothing special. But~ I sense that those two are in love. "This is delicious!" Dizzy said. "I like the lack of flies," Celia said. "And the lack of dirt," Dizzy added. Celia took another bit of her cake and nodded in agreement. I was sitting there thinking. I didn't even dare touch my cake. Who knew? There could be a love spell in it. Or someone could've poisoned it. "Y/N?" Dizzy said, snapping my out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked. "You haven't even touched your cake. Is something wrong?" She asked. "Yeah, what's on your mind?" Celia asked. "Well," I started. "Why is Mal including me in everything she does..?" I asked. "I don't know," Dizzy responded. "Maybe she likes you?" Celia said. I felt my face go warm. "Ooh~ Someone is red~" Dizzy cooed. " Oh, s-shut the fuck up!" I exclaimed. "Do you like her?" Celia asked, curiously. "Pfft- No why would I-" I began. "AWW! THAT IS SO ADORABLE!!!" Dizzy shouted. I cover her mouth immediately. "My fortune may come true~" Celia said. "B-Be quiet.." I responded. As I was uncovering Dizzy's mouth, I saw a cloud of magenta smoke. "What is that?" I asked. "I'm not gonna investigate. You do it." Dizzy said. "Lazy ass," I said. "I'm not lazy!" Dizzy exclaimed. I went over to the front of the castle yo see what was going on. When I turned the corner, I saw Mal... but she was old. "M-Mal?!" I exclaimed. "Audrey has the sceptre.." She said, weakly. "Who the fuck is Audrey?" I asked. "Sleeping Beauty's daughter," She replied. "Oh.. here, let's get you inside," I said, "Okay, but, how does it look?" She asked. "You age.. beautifully..." I said. "That's good to hear.." she replied. I started to head toward the entrance, but I realize Mal wasn't with me. "You coming-? Oh, wait.." I asked. Then i walked back to Mal and helped her get to the entrance. "There's nothing more powerful than the sceptre, correct?" I asked. "Only Hades' ember.," She replied. "I know how to get into his layer," I said. "We need you to help us, then," She responded."Damnit. Fine.." I replied. "My father is Hades," Mal said. "So, we should be able to get his ember, " She explained "Yeah.." I agreed. "Hey, um.. later, when I'm me again, can we talk, in private?" She asked, shyly. "I don't mind.." I responded. "Okay," Mal said. "What was all the comotion abou- M..?" Evie said as she greeted us at the door. "Hi, Evie." Mal said. "This Audrey chick casted a spell on her to make her.. older.." I explained. "Does she have the sceptre?" Evie obliviously asked. "What do you think?" I rudely asked. "Well, lets go get Hades' ember," Evie said, avoiding my question. "I know how to get into his layer. He made me his "go getter"," I said. "Alright, you lead the way. When we get there of course," Mal ordered. "First~ the both of you aren't looking like that," Evie said, excitedly. "Oh hell no. There is no way I'm changing out of this hoodie," I said. "Y/N, come on. Get changed," Mal said. "Fine, only because I want to," I said, I really was doing it because she told me to.

Word Count: 1126

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