"You really don't want to go to my house, huh?"

"It's not that I don't, it's just that I prefer the comfort of my home."

Minju chuckled, "You're really something else. I've never had someone argue like that with me."

"You've never had a civilized debate?"

"I wouldn't exactly call that civilized... I didn't really come across disagreements with my old friend ground though as I mostly conformed to what they did. Plus the only person I would actually get into an argument with was a big science nerd, and that knowledge somehow extended to quite literally everything else so I could never win."

"That makes sense."

"Talking to you is refreshing."

"Thank you. You add spice to my life which I appreciate."

"You're a weirdo for saying that."


"Who uses spice like that?"

"A lot of people!"


"I think you're the weirdo for not thinking of using the term 'spice' like that."

"Sureeee... You sure have a funny way of twisting things."

Y/n rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

As the duo walked into class, Minju noticed that Y/n looked more lively than this morning.

There's one hundred percent something going on here. Should I ask him who Nari is?

"I think I'm going to take you up on that offer."

Minju snapped back to reality.


"I'm going to take you up on your offer to sleep in class."

"Oh," Minju nodded, "Feel free to sleep whenever. I'm going to be taking notes regardless so you can just copy off of mine."

"If you say so."

Minju watched as Y/n laid his head down before seemingly dozing off.

You really are something...

Slightly dazed, Y/n sat up looking to his right to see a familiar face smiling at him.

"'Mornin' sleepy head. Did you enjoy your nap?"

"Yeah. How long was I out for?"

"You slept way past lunch, you dummy. School just ended. When did you go to sleep last night? You definitely didn't sleep when you said you would. Did you go out again?"


"Aigoo... Are you at least staying safe when you go out?"

"I'm fine..."

Nari leaned in, "Don't take vigilantism so lightly okay? That's seriously dangerous."

"Don't worry, I use as little force as I can. Not a single one has been able to make contact with me."

"Just be careful okay? Despite the possession of guns being illegal here, that's not going to stop people who don't care about the law."

"I will. Don't worry."

"Can you also tell me when you go out? I don't like the idea of you lying to me."

Y/n chuckled, "I will, I will."

Nari narrowed her eyes, "I'm not kidding here. I'm going to start sneaking out of the house to look for you."

"I know. You have that look on your face that tells me you're serious."

"Good. I'm glad you picked up on it."

Y/n smiled as he grabbed his backpack.

"Where should we-"

When Y/n looked back up, there was no one there. The entire room had become vacant.


Y/n's heart sank.

Right... She left.

All of the energy he previously felt left the boy's body as if it had evaporated from his pores. Suddenly, Y/n's heart began to race.

It's all my fault.

Y/n's breathing became shallow.

I shouldn't have done what I did. How could I be so stupid?!

Y/n fell to his knees as he continued to hyperventilate.

Am I having a panic attack?!

Y/n's breathing became increasingly more and more shallow, as a surge of uneasy emotions coursed through him.


Y/n looked up.

Minju?! Where are you?


Y/n frantically looked around for the source of the voice to no avail. Minju was nowhere to be found.


Y/n's eyes shot open.

"Are you okay? You were hyperventilating."

Y/n sat up looking around the class to see everyone, even the teacher, looking at him.


A devious smirk grew on Minju's face, "Did you have a nightmare~"


"I'm just messing with you."

"Y/n. I don't mind you sleeping in class since it doesn't appear to affect your grades, but please don't cause a commotion, or else I will have to ask you to stop." Scolded the teacher.

Y/n stood up with a bow, "Yes sir."

As Y/n sat down, Minju leaned over, "How about we have the sleepover today? And then we can study together tomorrow."

"That works with me."

"Okay, I'll text my parents."

Y/n nodded as he rested his head back on the table.

As the bell rang, Y/n felt a shake on his shoulder.



"School's done."


"You should walk to your house and grab your stuff before you head over to my house."

"I will..."

"Do you want me to accompany you?"


"Okay. Let's go."

Y/n groaned as he sat up.

"I hate sleeping here."

Minju scoffed, "And yet you do it so often."

"It's not like I have too much of a choice. I'm just so sleepy."

"Are you growing or something?"


"Are you sure? We are in our third year of high school. It's not out of the realm of possibilities."

"Yeah, but I doubt it. My sleep schedule is just fucked."

"That too."

Y/n slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Let's go."

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum