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I wanted to run but I couldn't. I wanted to be in my apartment but I couldn't do that either because he was infront of it.
" Hailey I'll leave but not until you talk to me. " he said and looked at me with his big puppy eyes.

" Alright then. Hello and good bye I wanna sleep. " I said and pushed passed me but he wouldn't let me get inside my apartment.
" Let me go in! "

" No " he said with a straight face which made me even more pissed. I couldn't handle this at the moment.
" Stop it! Just let me go inside my home! " I said trying to push him away but he stood still.

I sat down on the floor and got annoyed. Can't this be anymore harder? Mark looked at me and chuckled.

" What's so funny about this?! I can't get into the apartment because of you! " I yelled and got up.

Mark looked at me and took a deep breath and looked to the floor. " Alright....I'll leave you alone...forever. Iff you only let me explain myself first.

I thought if it. I mean, isn't this what I should do? Should I talk to him? No wait! I have to.
" Okay...let go...." I said as I FINEALLY walked passed him and opened my front door.
We walked in and sat by the kitchen counter and began to talk.

" I'm sorry...." Mark apologised. I chuckled and looked serious at him.
" That doesn't really explain anything...." I said back not looking at him.
Mark went silent before I spoke up.

" Do you wanna know why I never came to work? " I said in a curious tone and looked at him. Mark nodded slowly and told me to speak.

" I was scared...I was scared to face you and I never understand anything...I never understood iff I upset you or iff I did any- " I spoke but got cut off.
" You never did anything wrong- " Mark said but I didn't let him finish his sentence.

" JUST HEAR ME OUT! " I yelled. " Hist hear what I'm saying. I didn't get to know why you broke it off. I was scared of facing you because I knew I'll be either be angry for not understanding or cry. "

Mark gave me an apologetic smile and listened to every word I said.

" So are we even? " Mark said.
" Yeah I think so.....but you never told me why you did it..." I said and gave him a weak smile.

" I was scared. I was scared that when I had this real thing we had I was gonna ruin it. And in the end I really did now. I thought you would found someone else and be happier...I'm sorry for that. I was scared to fall more in love with you and later loose you...." Mark said but stopped after he realised what he said.

" You said 'fell more in love'? " I asked him.
I know he have said he loved me before but this....not like this....

Mark went silent not knowing what to do. We kept it that way for more five minutes until I couldn't handle it anymore.
I looked at him and started to lean closer.
" What are you doin-" Mark said but I leaned in cutting him off and kissed him.

I later pulled away and looked deep into his eyes. " No matter what stupidness that happens....don't ever leave me like that again. "

" Never " Mark replied.

A week later
Everything worked out. Fineally. Everything was falling to place. Me and Mark actullay started dating ang we also became a couple. And also moved in together.
Derek was Happy for me. Even Addison. I know What you might be thinking. Weird that Addi liked me and Mark together. Yeah But anyways.

Everything was falling into place and I loved my job, my friends and Mark of course.

It was until THAT day that scared to to death.

A few months later ( Hailey's POV )
I don't know what's really going on with me.
Like one second I'm fine and the other thing I know I find myself throwing up in some toilet.

But anyways I walked around the hospital on my way to my patient.
Addison was now gone. She doesn't work for Seattle Grace Hospital anymore which also made me sad. We bonded more and more and became the most best of friends ever.

" Are you alright? " Meredith said as she walked up to me. I turned to her and smiled.
" Yeah...I'm fine..." I replied until this wave of sickness overfilled me.

I rushed to the nearest bathroom as possible with Meredith running behind me.
I threw myself at the toilet and threw up.

" Holy crap. Are you sick? " she said. I looked up at her. " Iff I was I've would have been home for weeks. It's been like this since I can remember.

Meredith looked at me with wide eyes.
" Wait here! " She yelled and ran outside. I began to try. This pain and awkwardness over my own body made me break down. I didn't know what was going on.
I hated myself.

Meredith came back seconds later with something in her hand....a package....and in that....was a pregnancy test...oh lord.

" I bought this. Test it. " she said and gave it to me. I tried to protest but I didn't manage.
After a short while we waited for the resluts.

When it was done I took it up and looked at it. The test dropped to the floor and so did I.

I was pregnant.
With none other than Mark Sloan's baby.

I rushed this one but enjoy! <3

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