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" Shut up " I said as I put a bag of ice on Marks forhead. I did it pretty harsh but I didn't feel bad about it. Since he hurted my brother I lost my trust in him. " Listen, how can I apologise to you iff you don't even let me talk to you!? " Mark hissed. I rolled my eyes before talking to Meredith. " Dr. Grey. Search up the other Shepherd for me will you? " I asked her nicely. " Yes, Dr. Shepherd. " she said before leaving the room.

I turned to a beated up Mark and took a deep breath. I later cleaned the big cut on his cheek Derek gave him. Mark hissed a little as I cleaned it. " Sorry for that " I apologise.
He ignored me. It hasn't always been this bad between us. He was also my best friend. Growing up I was the youngest in the family. I grew up with four sisters and then my brother, Derek.

" Hailey, I do feel sorry for putting you and Derek through that. I really am. " Mark said once again. " For god sake, Mark! You have to apologise to Derek. Not me. " I said avoiding his eyes. Still cleaning the cut on his cheek.
" You need stitches " I said walking over to the tables of supplies. Mark got out of his seat walking towards me and stood right behind me. I bumped into him as I turned around. We were silent for five minutes until I spoke. " Get back in your seat or I'll find another one doing this ".

Mark listened to me and did as I said. I fixed his cut before Meredith came back with Derek. " Dr. Shepherd you needed me - " Derek said as he saw Mark. " What is he doing in here?..".
I rolled my eyes before speaking up. " Someone had to fix him. " I said before Mark walked out thanking me and disappeared out of the hallway. " I'll leave you to talk. " Meredith said smiling at me.
I sighed as Derek took a deep breath. " So you woke up today and decided to fight Mark? " I said irritated. " He was all over Meredith. You weren't there! " he said back at me. Derek I never usually fight like this. It doesn't happen that often.

" Derek, I know Mark hurt you but he hurt me to. And what exactly did you think you'll get out of beating Mark - " I paused until I started to think. " Mark did use to fight back in high school when he was in fights right?..". Derek looked confused until he nodded. That's when it hit me. Mark didn't fight back at Derek.

Two hours later I was in the E.R looking up at the patient's who came in with bruises, broken bones and other patient's who felt sick. I didn't speak to anyone except my patient's during these two hours.
Until Addison walked up behind me. " We need to talk ". I turned to her and chuckled. " About what, Addi? " I asked her. " There is nothing to even talk about. I can't deal with the sleeping with the husbands best friend thing, okay? ".

* Lunch time *
I took my lunch and looked around for a place to sit. I found an empty table later on and started to eat my sandwich. Richard, Dr. Bailey and Derek joined me later on.
" So now we have three Shepherd's running around at this hospital? " Bailey asked. Me and Derek looked at each other before nodding at the comment. Minutes later I saw Mark entering the cafeteria. " Uhm..Why is Mark STILL here?.. " I asked awkwardly. Bailey, me and Derek look at our chief Richard in confusion. " I offered him a job aswell I remember now. " he answered. Great. Just great.

After lunch I passed by the E.R and came across a girl sitting on a hospital bed covered in blood and were crying. " I need a nurse over here please! " I yelled before running to the little girl. " Hi darling! Whats your name? " I asked her. " M-m-my n-name i-is Amy.." she said through her tears. " Okay Amy, I need you to tell me what happend to you and why you're crying. " I asked her calmly. Before letting her speak I helped her to be calm. " Some bullies beated me up while on my way from school " she said. I felt bad. Extremely bad for her. " How are you, kid? " I asked her. " Eleven, soon twelve. " she said.

The nurse with the name Olivia joined me and ran to get supplies for me to clean Amy's face up. " Do you know where your parents are or How to contact them? " I asked her.

" I have my phone with me iff that might help.." Amy said.
She gave me her phone and handed it to me. I called her mom from her contact wishing she would answer which she did.
" Hello miss. This is Dr. Shepherd from Seattle Grace Hospital ".

" Uh hi? Why are you calling from my daughter's phone? "

" Miss, your daughter were an a fight at school and she is here all taken care of. I need you to come down here and check on her aswell okay? "
"Yes, of course! I'll be there! ".

Ten minutes later a lady came running into the E.R with panic in her face. " Where is she?! Amy?!? " She yelled. I began to walk towards the women and calmed her down. Amy sat on her hospital ned all fixed up and weren't crying anymore.
" Honey! Omg, who did this to you?! " Amy's mom said. But Amy went quiet. Before saying who it was.

Amy's mom filled some papers before taking her home.

" Hello, Shepherd "
" Hello. Sloan "

Mark meet me in the E.R a few hours later. I can't keep avoiding him anymore. He is my coworker now.

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