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" You are saying that she collapsed?? " Derek said with panic in his voice.
" Yes I just told you that! " I answered. I didn't know what to do in that moment. Derek bit the inside of his cheek while looking down at the floor. I could see how stressed and worried he is about Hailey. They had a really strong bond since he was the oldest and she was the youngest of the Shepherd siblings.

After some hours the chief walked over to us. Me and Derek where looking at the floor until he spoke. " She is breathing. And she will be breathing on her own. She had a really strong panic attack and her lungs had some issues and we will look it up. She is in there awake iff you wanna meet her. " He said before walking away.
I let Derek go in first because of how stressed he was. I could see trough the window that she looked tired and Derek looked happy. He had tears in his eyes as he smiled at her.

Some minutes later Derek walked out of the room and smiled at me a little. " She wants to see you.. " He said before walking away.
I took a breath trying not to show my tears of panic I felt during the stressful hours.

Once I stepped into the room I could see her eyes gazing into mine. I walked over to her and sat in the chair next to the hospital bed.

( Hailey's POV )
I woke up in a hospital bed with hospital clothes on and a machine hooked into my arm. " You're awake. " Richard said. I smiled and nodded to him slowly. " I-I wanna see Derek..I don't wanna worry him-" I said but got stopped as Richard walked out of my room. Through my window I could see both Mark and Derek looked stressed out and looked like they have been crying.
I could see them stand up when Richard walked over to them. They looked relieved and walked over to my door. Derek came in first through the door.

His eyes were all red and puffy as it looked like he have been crying. He walked over and sat in the chair next to my hospital bed. " Thank god you are okay. " he said calmly. " Dere of course I'm okay. I'm not dead- " I said but he cut me off. " Hailey, Mark even told me while we sat out there that you weren't breathing..you where dead...for some minutes before they got you back.." he snapped. I flinched a little at him raising his voice at me. I did that when someone raised their voice at me.

My relationships with other guys has been toxic for me.

Derek saw me flinched and apologised. I just shook my head meaning it didn't bother. " Hailey, you scared me. You scared me to death, gosh you scared me and Mark to death even iff I still hate him for what he did. " He said making me chuckle a little. Seconds later Meredith came into the room. " Hey Dr. Shepherd how are you feeling? " she said nicely. I smiled at her before responding " I'm fine Meredith. And please just call me Hailey ".
Meredith smiled at me before leaving the room again because she was paged by Bailey.

Me and Derek talked about things and laughed. " Can I see Mark...I-I know that you two are not getting along right now but he really helped me last night-" I said but got cut of. " Wait...what happend last night?..Did Mark do something to you??" Derek said harsh.
" I don't want to tall about it just send him in please. " I begged. He sighed and walked out to get Mark.

When I said Derek looked like he've been crying I think I lied. Mark looked worse. His eyes were puffy and still tears where running down his face. I gave him a soft smile before letting him sit down at the chair Derek sat in minutes ago. He looked me and then at the floor. " I'm sorry for that this happend..." He apologised. I looked confused at him. " Why are you apologising? I'm fine. " I said calm.

Me looked at me still with his red puffy eyes. " Mark, I'm not going anywhere.." I said quietly.

It's been 3 months since the incident happend with me collapsing. Mark was back being his cockly self and being all over Addison. Which made me annoyed.

" Addison I don't want you here! Get. Out " Derek said irritated. I could hear them scream and argue as me and Mark were in their master bedroom after I lashed out on him. I started laughing and Mark got a little confused. " Hailey.." he said.
" NO! PLEASS JUST DON'T! " I said pushing out of my way running down the stairs and straight out the door.

I ran home...ran away from the problems, my brother...my two bestfriends.
I couldn't live in New York anymore.

New chapter! And also thank you for reading this story! Love you all! <3

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