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It took me a few minutes before I heard Mark clapp by the front door.
Me, Meredith, Izzie and Christina stopped and looked at him.
" Good dancing ladies. " He said.

" You perv, go somewhere else! " Christina said as she walked over to the couch and sat down.

Izzie gave me a questionable look that said 'You two a thing or?' but I quickly shook my head.
We weren't a thing at all.

After an hour the girls left and it was me and Mark left. He was sitting in one of my arm chairs and I was laying down on the counter.

" Did you call me and Derek McSteamy and McDreamy today? " He asked me.

" What? The hole hospital knows who you are. The McBrothers. Unless you and Derek are good now. " I said is I were playing with my hair.

Mark chuckled and looked at the ground. " How did you know where I lived? " I asked.

" One thing I'm gonna say and it's our chief. " he replied.
Of course Richard gave him my address because he knew the whole history. " Dang it " I said and laughed.

" How's life? " I asked him. Mark turned his head to me before he spoke up. " Pretty shitty. Well you scared the living shit out of the twice but I think it's fine now. " he replied and put on a weak smile.

The silent filled the apartment once again. An awkward silent to be really honest.

" That day at that airport....why did you kiss me? " I asked him awkwardly.
Mark head rose up to be quickly and his checks turned red.
" I-I.....I don't really know to be really honest. I didn't want you to leave..." He said.

I laughed that the fact how stupid it sounded to me. " Mark....you slept with my brother wife. Also one of MY closest friends and you except me to forgive you for that? You can't go up and kiss someone just for the person to stay in your life! " I snapped. He knew he made me a little pissed.

Mark had a guilty look on his face. He knew I was hurt. He knew he hurt me deep inside. "....I didn't just wanted you to stay because I kissed you....I liked you...I did like you for a very long time..." he admitted.

I was stunned. He liked me? Did the real Mark Sloan/ McSteamy/ the man who sleeps around like ME?
I didn't know what to say at this point.

" I-I.....I-I don't k-know w-what to s-a-ay..." I stuttered.  No words could escape my mouth. Me and Mark did have a close relationship but it wasn't anything happening between us.

I took a deep  breath before speaking again. " Iff you liked me then why did you give up on me?..." I asked him seriously. I didn't get it at this point. Was he telling the truth or not?

" I guess I was scared...And I didn't want your brother to kill me " he said and chuckled awkwardly. I understood him a little now.

Him and Derek were like brothers before all this drama. And Derek was very protective over me and iff he ever found out Mark and I had a thing it would be like a massive fight between him and Mark for it.

Mark got out of his chair and got closer to me. He was now in front of me and starred into my eyes.

" You are really meant that or are you just fooling me? " I asked and smiled.

" Then why would I do this? " he said and leaned in and kissed me. I didn't pull away. I.Kissed.Back.

The next day Mark was gone from my apartment. No text. No note. Just nothing.  I didn't think mutch of it so I got ready to go for work. I had an odd feeling today that something was gonna happend but I ignored it.

Once I got to the hospital I saw Meredith, Izzie and. Christina looking disappointed over something at me. George gave me a weak smile.

" Hey what's going on?.. " I asked worried. Did someone die? Did anything happend? Am I fired or WHAT IS HAPPENING.

" Hailey I-...." Izzie said as she walked towards me. " Mark and Addison they- " she started but stopped talking just as Mark enters the room with Addison.

" They are sleeping together, aren't they? " I said with disbelief. Izzie looked guilty at me and nodded.

My heart did shatter a little. How could he? How could he trick me like that?  Tears were running down my face and I faced Mark.

" Hailey I- " he started but stopped.

Anger and disappointment were boiling inside me. I couldn't do this anymore.

Sorry for a short chapter! <3

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