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" Mark! It's saturday morgning for the love of god! Just leave me alone! " I snapped at Mark. I am clearly not a morning person at all.
I got paged around 4 am this morning from Dr. Webber. Apparently Mark to.

" Look's like you are not a morning person at all, Hailey. " Mark grinned at me. Iff looks could kill he would have been laying on the floor. Once the elevator stopped at the floor I was gonna be at this morgning I just walked out not turning around to see the look on Mark's face.

" Dr. Shepherd. Alex Karev will be at your service this morgning to lunch. " Bailey said to me before walking away with the other of her interns. I turned to look at Alex Karev's face.
" I guess you might have been running around getting coffee or clothes from the laundry for Mark. But you won't be doing that for me. And I can obviously tell you sleep around with other nurses or doctors but your little tricks won't work on me, Dr. Karev. " I said to him before starting to run to one of the patients room.

In that hospital room a teenage boy with the name Jake looked at us as we walked in. We weren't alone in there aswell. Mark and Jake's parents were there to.

" Dr. Shepherd and intern Dr. Karev how lovely for you to join us. " Mark said grinning at me.

We talked to Jake about what he wanted and he wanted to do a plastic surgery for his face.
" Are you really sure about this? " I asked Mark as I walked down the hall with him. " It's his decision so I hope so. But I won't do it right after his first operation. " He simply said.

I paused as I go to the cafeteria. " Yeah okay. But know, McSteamy as they call you. I'm gonna head for lunch. Because after that I'm internfree! " I said running off. Mark just watched me running down the hallway a little confused but smiling at the same time.

A while later Jake had his surgery. I wasn't scrubbing in. I was up watching the hole thing above. And at one point the heartbeat stopped and it became a flat line and the machine was beeping. He was dead. Dead on the table right  they were doing the surgery on them. Derek who were a part of the surgery looked up at me and shook his head. Jake was gone. Clearly gone.

" Guess you won't be doing any plastic surgery today, Mark. " I said walking out of the room.
I was getting used to some of my patients passing away. I did find it hard though. Because I had to be the one telling the parents.

" You okay? " Meredith said showing up by my side making me jump a little. " Yeah, yeah I'm totally fine. You and Derek? Are you fine? " I breathed out. To my suprise she shook her head.

" We broke it off " she said making me look shocked. " Comon! You guys looked perfect together. Even more endgame than him and Addison. " I said to her making her chuckle.

Once I was in the hallway I spotted Derek. I ran over and hit his head a little bit with my hand making him turn to me. " That's one way to say hello to your big brother. " he joked.
I rolled my eyes before speaking. " Why did you and Meredith broke it off?! Wait! Don't tell me it's just because of Addi. " I said angry. And I could see the guilt in his eyes that he had chosen her over Meredith.

" Comon, Derek! I haven't seen you that happy before as I first saw you together. " I said to him. " Well sometimes things don't work out, Hailey! " he snapped at me. And that's when Mark came into the picture. " What on earth are you arguing about?! " he said.

" SHUT UP! " me and Derek said at the same time making Mark back away a little. " I'm out of here! Bye bye McSteamy and McDreamy!! " I yelled before walking out of the building.

Hours later Invited Meredith, Izzie and Christina over to my apartment to hang with them. " Wait so you heard me yell that when I left?! " I asked them. " Hell yeah! I think the whole hospital heard you. " Izzie said.

Christina smirked before sipping on her drink. " Yup and you should have seen Mark and Derek's faces. " Christina laughed. I laughed before looking at Meredith who started into a wall.
" Meredith are you okay? " I asked her. She took her eyes from the wall and looked at me. " Yeah..." she said quietly. " Comon! My brother is an ass so forget about him! There are plenty of guys out there! " I said making her smile a bit.

" Dance party?! " Christina said turning up the volume. Me and Izzie and Meredith started to dance around in my living room for an hour before Mark showed up leaning on the wall with his arms crossed looking at me dancing and jumping around.

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