"Derek," she giggled. "I'd love to do that with you. And we will. But I think you've worn me out."

Derek sighed as he looked at her closely. "It's been awhile for you, hasn't it?" he asked.

Meredith smiled softly as she stabbed the cheesecake with her fork. "Look, I'm really glad we just...did what we did. But if it's too weird for you...it'd suck, and I'm not sure what I'd do, but you shouldn't feel obligated to stay with me because we just slept together."

"Meredith," Derek sighed, pulling the plate from her hands and tilting her face up to look at him. "Stop trying to push me away. I'm not going anywhere. You're amazing, and I love you, and I'm not leaving you. Ever. So stop trying to make me."

"Okay," she whispered, kissing him softly. "Sorry."

"No reason to be sorry," Derek shrugged. "Are you sore?"

"A little," she shrugged. "But it was worth it. Completely and totally worth it."

"It was," Derek nodded, pulling her out of bed. "Come on."

"Derek," she frowned. "What are you doing?"

"We're taking a bath," Derek announced, pulling her into the bathroom and turning on the water. "It'll make you less sore."

"You know how to draw a bath?" Meredith raised an eyebrow. "Should I be worried?"

Derek rolled his eyes. "Consider it part of my mission to be the best boyfriend in the world," he said as he reached for the bubble bath.

"That's unopened," Meredith observed.

"Wow, maybe you should have become a detective instead of a teacher," Derek laughed as he poured it into the water.

"Shut up," Meredith rolled her eyes. "Did you buy that for me?"

Derek sighed as he helped her into the tub, then climbed in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. "You said you like baths," he murmured. "I want you to feel at home here, Mer."

Meredith giggled. "Does this mean I have to buy muesli?" she asked.

"It would be nice, yes," Derek laughed.

"Thank you, Derek," Meredith sighed, leaning back into his strong chest. "Tonight has been...amazing."

"It really has," he murmured, pressing his lips against her cheek.

"Your sister didn't know about us," Meredith whispered suddenly.

Derek tensed slightly. This wasn't necessarily a conversation he wanted to have right now.

"She does now," he whispered. "Apparently I'm not exactly discreet."

"I could have told her that," Meredith giggled slightly. "Was she mad?"

"I don't think so," Derek shook his head. "She was worried. About Meg."

"Derek, you know I won't treat her any differently," Meredith said. "She's always been one of the best students in the class."

"I know. She has my genes."

"So not what I meant," Meredith rolled her eyes.

"I know," Derek said. "But Kath did make a good point. If Meg finds out about us, she's going to expect you to treat her differently. She's only six, and as smart as she is, I don't think she'll be able to see you as Miss Grey in school and Aunt Meredith the rest of the time."

"Oh," Meredith tensed almost immediately, pulling out of his arms to stare at him wildly. "Derek," she breathed.

"I didn't mean that," Derek shook his head, pulling her back towards him. "Don't freak out, Mer, please don't freak out. We're not getting married anytime soon. But if Meg knows we're dating, she's going to think of you as an aunt. She doesn't get the in between stuff. And she'll expect to be treated like your niece, not your student."

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