024 | New Captain

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"Is it too much to ask for a sweet dream
I need a step back from my feelings"

"Is it too much to ask for a sweet dreamI need a step back from my feelings"

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The elevator doors opened to reveal the new captain of the Ninety Ninth precinct. Gabriella squeezed Rosa's hand tighter, showing her that anxiety was rising once again. The older woman pulled the girl in front of her, placing both hands on her shoulders. "Hello. I'm your new commanding officer, Captain Seth Dozerman.", introduced Dozerman himself. Gabriella send a glare towards him which he gladly didn't caught. "My motto is simple: efficiency, efficiency, efficiency." "Could probably just say it once.", said Jake in a joking way making Gabriella to giggle. "Are you making fun of my stutter?", asked Dozerman making Jake to drop his smile. "Tricked you. I don't have a stutter." "He has humor, that's for sure.", said the younger girl and chuckled making Rosa to smile lightly. "What was that little girl?", called Dozerman over. "Nothing, sir.", said Gabriella innocent and smiled.

"Boom, I've already established my authority through my amazing sense of humor." "Well done, sir. Welcome to the Nine-Nine. I'm Sergeant Terry Jeffords.", said Terry, introducing himself like always. "And I'm not interested.", said Dozerman earning weird looks from everyone. "That was incredibly rude.", defended Gabriella her friend and stepped forward. The new captain turned his gaze towards her and got on her level. "I have no use for people. I find people weird and confusing, especially children." "I don't like you.", she whispered to him and crossed her arms with an angry expression. The man moved his attention back to the squad and their colleagues. "I live my life by numbers. You see this watch?", he said and put his arm up for everyone to see. "It tells me how many calories I burn at any time. Question: how many calories do you think I burned walking from there to there? You, female closest to me.", asked Dozerman and pointed at Amy.

"Oh, uh, three?", guessed the woman confused. "Three? Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!", laughed Dozerman making Amy to feel bad about it. "Try 0.8, numbnuts." "Try to be nicer, dumbo.", answered Gabriella and laughed at her own joke and turned her smile into a glare. "I have made promises to my superiors that I most certainly cannot keep. That's why I need you idiots to work twice as hard. No, no, strike that. Four times as hard.", raised Dozerman his voice. Gabriella wasn't impressed nor did she take him seriously. This man was a whole joke to her. "No, no, no, strike that. I need you morons to work eight times harder than you've ever worked in your entire life! I'm having a heart attack." "You sure?", asked Gabriella slightly worried. "Yeah, I'm having a heart attack. Get back to work.", said Dozerman and fell down. Gabriella only smirked to herself. "Nice knowing you, captain Dozerman."


"This guy is terrible!", complained Gabriella and crossed her arms. "He managed to overcome the heart attack! How? My grandfather couldn't even do that!" "Your grandfather died because of a heart attack?", asked Rosa surprised and looked at the girl. "It was at a family get together. My cousin Penny came out as gay and he got a heart attack.", explained Gabriella. "I'm so sorry for your loss.", replied Charles with a sad look. "Don't be. He was homophobic anyway.", laughed Gabriella, earning weird looks from her colleagues. "You're weird.", said Rosa and side hugged the younger girl. "Being weird is not bad actually.", said Charles and smiled brightly. "He's right. Embrace your weirdness!", cheered Gabriella and high fived Charles. The older man got a smile out of the girl and a giggle too. It was great to see her laugh and smile even tho her uncle left the precinct.

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