016 | The Wednesday Incident

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"Yeah you held my hand
But I tossed it"

"Yeah you held my handBut I tossed it"

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Gabriella found herself in another morning briefing at the Ninety Ninth precinct. She of course sat besides her best friend Rosa Diaz and tried to finish her German assignment, something she rarely enjoyed. "All right, here's where we stand.", began Jake Peralta. The younger girl didn't really pay attention but she still listened closely. Some of the information could be useful after all. "This nightclub is the home base for the Maric crime syndicate. I've been tracking the club owner, uhm, Gabby? What was his name again?", asked Jake Gabriella to wake her up from her thoughts.

She looked up and began to twirl the end of her shoulder length hair around her finger. "Vladimir Drogic.", she answered fast and looked back at her paper, still twirling her hair. "Aka the Dragon, aka my first perp with a cool nickname.", finished Jake his sentence remembering the nickname he gave Vladimir.
"What about El Baboso, the Dagger?", asked Charles while doing a dagger hand move.

"Rosa was lying about that.", said Gabriella and looked at Charles. "Yeah, El Baboso actually means "the slug".", explained Jake with a slightly embarrassed smile on his face. "Ha ha, tonto. That means "dumb-dumb.", said Rosa and made Gabriella giggle. "It was very cruel. I referred to myself as El Baboso to several beautiful Latina ladies." "Oh, that's your type, isn't it, Jakey?", asked Charles smiling. "Like Sophia and Sa--", began Gabriella to count but Jake stopped her immediately. "Anyway, the Dragon is involved in several counts of human trafficking as well as...I'm sorry,  what's going on? Who are you?", interrupted Jake himself as some dudes walked in and began to take away his evidence. "Drexel with the Organized Crime unit. I'm here for the Maric case materials." "Oh, are you?", asked Gabriella from her seat interested. "Well, we'll see what my captain has to say about this.", said Jake to the Drexel guy with full conviction that Holt would take his side.

"Thank you for taking the materials. Make sure you also pick up the files that are on Peralta's desk.", said Holt disappointing Jake deeply. "Wow, that is not how I saw it playing out. Sir, I thought you said this was my case." "I gave you two weeks. I'm done fending off the Organized Crime unit. Squad, since Peralta's briefing was cut short, you can all use this time to clean up your desks. Look at this place: half-eaten food, crumpled tissues, pictures of your families." "What's wrong with pictures uncle Ray?", asked Gabriella her uncle and crossed her arms over her chest. "If you love someone, you'll remember what they look like.", said Holt, offending his niece. "Awesome.", she whispered to herself. "What is this?", asked Raymond, holding up a ball out of rubber bands. "Rubber band ball.", answered Jake immediately. "Keep your bands in a box or a bag. Since you all apparently have time to play throw, I'm canceling overtime for the month, effective immediately.", said Holt angry making everyone to sigh. "Get to work! And de-ball these bands.", finished Holt and went back to his office. Gabriella turned around to her friends and smiled. "Let's get down to work everyone!"

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