012 | Beach House

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"But I feel better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah
Better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah"

"But I feel better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeahBetter when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah"

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Gabriella Peréz stood next to Amy Santiago's desk. She was going through a magazine while chewing gum. "Guys.", said Jake suddenly grabbing the attention of Amy, Gabriella and Terry at the same time. "Captain Holt has no pants on." "You're kidding!", said Gabriella laughing. "What?", asked Terry. "He has no pants on, is what.", said Jake excited. "Here are the facts: at 11:55 a.m. captain Holt past us holding a hot bowl of soup. At 12:03 p.m. I heard him yell...then at 12:07, he called Gina into his office. She entered, holding nothing. One minute later, she left holding an opaque bag.", stated Jake. "Holt's pants were in that bag!", said Gabriella realizing it. "His knees are in the breeze. He's in his undies.", said Jake smiling to himself in triumph.

"That evidence is circumstantial.", said Amy bursting Jake's bubble. "Oh, so you guys want visual confirmation?", asked Jake. "No.", said all three. "Done.", said Jake happy. "Is he for real?", asked Terry as he watched Jake going over to the office. "Oh yes Sarge. He is.", laughed Gabriella.

A few minutes later Amy asked Gabriella to come with her to sign off some papers by the captain. She of course agreed and walked away with her. "Sir, we need you to sign off on--", started Amy but immediately stopped herself as she saw Jake sitting besides Holt. "Look at us, just four people with pants on having a normal conversation.", said Jake nervous. "Yep. No story here.", said Holt. Gabriella then pulled out her phone and took a picture of the scene. "Charlie's gonna crack up at this!", she yelled happy. "No! Gabriella don't send it!", yelled Jake to her. "Or what? You will chase me with no pants on? I want to see that.", she said and crossed her arms. "Point to Peréz!"


Gabriella and Charlie were playing against each other on their phones. "Char! You're cheating!", shouted Gabriella at her best friend. "No I'm not!", he shouted back. "Yes you did!" "No I did not!" "Stop it you two!", said Amy finally. "You both cheated.", added Rosa. Charlie then looked at his best friend before bursting out in laughter. Amy and Rosa clearly didn't got their joke.

Whenever they played something, they always shouted to each other stupid things. Both didn't knew why but it made them laugh and have more fun. It was a thing between them nobody understood. And they liked it.

"Hey, everybody. In my hands I hold the driving directions to this year's detectives-only getaway. Except that we're including Charlie this time because why not.", said Jake as he entered the break room. "Thanks for letting me come guys!", said Charlie smiling. "Give it a cool name Jake.", said Charles excited. "All right, detectives-only getaway--D.O.G, DOG, DOG party---DOG party'15.", said Jake finally. "Big shout out to Charles Boyle for hosting us at his beach house this year.", everyone then clapped and cheered. "You should really thank my ex-wife. We split it in the divorce. I get it for December through February. Winter B-house! Woof, woof, woof!", said Charles and shouted happy.

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