Part 14 (school)

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I sigh and hold the door handle

"Here goes nothing"

I open the door and enter with Todoroki and denki behind me, everyone stares and as I prepare for a yell, I hear a chirping voice "welcome my naughty children~ a bit tardy for class aren't we?" Midnight says as she whips her..whip as us. My eyes sparkle "no way! You're our teacher?? You're one of my fav hero's! You're so pretty!!" I suck up to her but how could I not? She's perfect! She giggles "I like you~ take your seats now children" as we walk to our seats Denki goes for a high five and I return it, probably for me not getting us into trouble. Class goes and and I turn to see Denki on his phone behind a book. I roll my eyes and smile and looks around the class, everyone's either writing or reading. I quietly yawn covering my mouth.

"Ah hem" midnight grabs our attention and we all look up "as you all know, this is the second time bakugo has been absent from class. We ask you all to try and reason with him for him to pick himself up, we know that a lot of tension as been built within the dorms and as much as we could suspend dorm life-" "nooo!!" "Please don't!" "Aughhhhh" everyone groans and complains until midnight cracks her whip "let me finish! We could suspend dorms for class 1A until some students" she eyes certain people in the class "stop arguing about petty topics." Mineta raises his hand, waving it around "but all the boyths are fighting over gurwls!! It's not our fwaults!" midnight raises and eyebrow and melts "OH an act of lOve~ ugh!! Such a foolish romance who's the undying lucky lady~ I must know!" Her face turns red as she Squirms around and Mineta, Mina, sero and denki point at me. I sit there embarrassed and cover my face with my hands ughh.. Midnight walks and sits on my desk, I uncover my eyes and see Deku and others with their jaws dropped "oh~ Y/N you're so new and already causing such a fuss, new products always get the most greediest buyers~" she says as she plays with my hair. I chuckle and stay quiet, embarrassed and not sure what to say. She winks and walks back to the front of the class going back to the main topic. Midoriya turns around and whisperes something "is that why kacchan is staying in the dorms a lot?" I lean closer and whisper back "I forgot the first time but this morning he looked like he was going to kill Denki! I was so scared so I knocked him out" He shivers and nods and quickly turns back to the front. I turn to Denki and he whispers "what did broccoli want?" I smile and shrug and go back to class when I hear a bing from my phone. I look up pretending it wasn't my phone, I quickly check my phone in my lap.

' I heard we're gonna b doing more training🤪'

' I hope you're prepared to get smashed in the ring😈'

'Yeah right sweet cheeks, let's just wait and see🔥🔥🔥'

I smile and turn my phone off, I doodle on my book in between pages until midnight announces training. Huh good timing.. we exit class and head outside in a small field. "What training are we confusing on miss?" Uraraka asks with a raised hand. "Today we will be focusing on teamwork, from this point forward, each classmate will be paired with another in teams of 2, I've selected a rescue mission, you will all face obstacles that will challenge your quirks and in the end there is each a dummy that has special markings, if that marking is hit or damaged you will loose points on how safely their return is. So be careful and work well together! Oh and for a spicy twist I have paired each team myself based off rivalry's and personality differences." I wonder who I'll be partnered with? I work well with all and I have no issues with anyone.. "Team 1, Tsu and Mineta, team 2, Sero and Koda, Team 3 Y/N and Bakugo-" my mouth drops along with my stomach..I'm..with HIM?? She calls the other teams and Denki is paired with Iida, Mina is with kirishima and uraraka is with tokoyami. Strange pairings but I guess that's the point. "Wait If I'm with bakugo where is he?" I ask not seeing him "Since bakugo was desperate to join class, instead of a dummy you must rescue him~ shocking I know!!" She yells excited. I feel a hand on my shoulder "Good luck princess, you'll need it." Denki comments and I put my hand on my hip "you're just lucky this wasn't hand to hand combat pikachu" I giggle and he grins and blushes.
We head off to the staring points "you all have unlimited time for your rescuer here and back, the shorter the time the better! Ready? GO!"

Everyone rushes into the bushy greenery and I hop over some logs and trees, I see others way ahead of me and I sigh. Suddenly a large mud like creature approaches me. Shit my quirk is useless! I have to go around and dodge them it goes down to hit me and I dodge by jumping to the side, I sprint around it and continue forward as I notice loud noises and screams god they must be fighting "SHIT!" I stop in my tracks trying to balance myself from the pit below me, I climb around some trees gently on the edge and make my way over it. That was too close, I need to keep my eye out. I dodge any upcoming creatures and I think around 6 minutes have went by...that's still too long! I enter a clearing and a large mountain awaits me. I see Bakugo at the top poorly tied up and surrounded by rocks. He doesn't seem to notice me and I need to find a way up. I see no stairs or flat surfaces I can climb or run up..I'll have to climb it free handed. I look back and see a team or two about to approach. I start to look for grips and I make my way up slowly, i try my best to not look down or hold onto weak edges. "Ah!" I gasp as my foot slips and I quickly try to find a place to set it down. I see white tape glid up past me "Sero!" I shout and glids to me "what's up y/n!" "Can you help me? I'm gonna fall!" He thinks to himself "hmm I're not on my team" I roll my eyes and quickly grab onto him and he catches me "hey no far!" He goes to set me back onto the ground and I kiss his cheek and activate my power "please safely send me up and wait for me to return and send me down" he blushes and does so with no questions. I prepare for landing and land in front of bakugo, not only is he tied up but he's covered with rocks "huh? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" He yells surprised "I didn't want you to be my rescue either so relax and deal with it." I mutter as I push away rocks and boulders before untying him. He scoffs and rushes to the cliff and explodes himself off "wait you idiot!!" I sigh and hear people down below "Sero come on! Let's go!" I stand on the edge and shout "Sero! I need to get down!" White tape wraps around my arm and I'm glided down quickly to the bottom and he quickly shakes his head "what happened?" I giggle "thanks seroooo~!" I run back into the forest as they argue with each other.

"BAKUGO!! BAKUGO!" "SHUT THE HELL UP LOSER" he yells but at least I know he's close, he has difficulty with the obstacles but I remember where each are placed. He looks back at me stunned as I'm keeping up "KATSUKI WAIT!" His eyes widen in shock and quickly storms before falling into the pit. "Oh shit!" I say laughing and rush over, I gently reach over the edge "omg are you okay?" "I'm fine you idiot!" He tries to blast himself out but he holds his wrist and whinces at pain "if you can use one hand I'll grab you and pull you out!" I say and reach my hand down while holding onto a log "I don't need any help! Now get lost!!" "I'm not trying to HELP I'm trying to WIN IDIOT! Now hurry up and TAKE MY HAND!" My blood boils at his selfishness and pride as he stands and thinks for a bit "get ready." I nod and he bursts himself high enough to grab and we grab each other's wrists, I use all my strength and pull him over "there's about 3 more traps but the first one is a direct attack, we can fight it or dodge it. Can you fight with one hand because I'm useless on none living creatures." He thinks "let's just go around and win this stupid thing" we nod and I yell out each trap as we approach it, we steadily make it past and rush out the forest into the clearing. As soon as we make it out I lay down and catch my breathe "that..huff...was a lot easier...before.." I close my eyes and rest "Look up idiot. We're not done yet.." I get up and look around....

Where...where are we?? "This was the way back I know it!" I stutter ouT

"maybe the training isn't over.."

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