13: N E W F R I E N D S

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They said we were going to a fair.

"She just got over-excited, we're going to the fair only" Sia replied. "So, Rakshit. I just wanted to ask you. What do you do? Studies or job?"

As sweet and generous Divya looked, to the same extent Sia looked curious and clever. I had no problem telling them the exact thing I did but who knew the friendship which had just started would come to an end so soon.

"I actually-" I stammered while thinking of an excuse to fit the kind of I was living but couldn't find one matching their expectations "I-"

"You?" Sia asked once again.

"Mommy It's time to go! You know that half of the rides were closed the last time. We will be late once again!" For some reason, I just loved this boy right now.

If I could kiss him, I definitely would.

"I'll introduce you all" he stood on the couch and pointed towards each one of us as he introduced them "This is Divya, my future wifey, this is Sia, my girlfriend whom I will marry after Divya agree, he is Rakshit, my new friend who is so strong! And this" he pointed towards his mom who was admiring him "this is my mommy, who is only mine. She is the absolute love of my life and my everything! Love you mommy" he gave his mom a flying kiss and smiled when she caught it in the air and attached it to her cheek.

"And no kisses for us?" Sia looked at almost the verge of crying and turned her face while faking her sadness.

"No Sia! Don't cry again!" Varun got down from the couch and ran to her leg "I love you all but mommy will not feel good if she saw her son flirting with other girls. Moreover, girls like bad boys but they love those bad boys who are sensitive towards their families. You taught me that, did you forget Sia?"

"What the- So it was you!" Drishti screamed whereas Sia gulped her saliva. "And I was like who is teaching this boy all these things. You better give me a reason or you're so dead"

"Mommy don't kill my girlfriend" Varun pouted while inserting his own feelings inside the conversation.

"Sia! Reason?" Drishti crossed her arms across her chest and stood attentively while demanding the answer.

"Varun you were so right. The rides will close soon. Let's hurry" Sia caught his hand and rushed outside the house with him followed by Divya.

"This girl. I couldn't believe she taught him that. Varun follows her words line by line and that's why he was up with the swag and all stuff" she huffed before letting her hands down and finally noticing me. "Oh, hi!"

She waved at me gleefully and I waved back at her. "Hi"

"Let's go, I guess" she chuckled awkwardly as she was out of a topic on which she could start a conversation. "We'll catch up on the way" she added.

"Yeah sure," she grabbed the keys and guided us outside the house.

After locking the door we set towards the fair on our foot and the talks started growing in between. Sia would be found trying to get information about me but each time she would ask something I didn't wish to reply to, Drishti would step in between and turn the question to the other way.

The fair was not so far away and we reached it in just half an hour. I must say that it was something every one of them was crazy about. Their faces showed the excitement that I had on getting a hundred on my chemistry test.

The carnival was illuminated with bright jubilant-colored lights. Several shops, gaming stalls, food corners, and rides were also there.

It was going to be an amazing night and that was a fact.

"Okay, to the pendulum!" Divya and Sia screamed, followed by the jumping of an over-excited Varun.

Why was he excited? He was not getting on the adult roller coaster anyway.

"On the swings!" God knows why they were yelling like hormonal teenagers.

Did I have to do that?

"The swings are available in the park also Varun. We are going to the roller coaster where you ain't allowed, sweetheart. You stay with your mommy as usual and later I'll take you to the baby coaster" Divya smirked at him.

"Injustice everywhere" he sniffed on his shirt and caught my leg. "Come Raksh, take me to the kid's corner. Let mommy enjoy today, we'll enjoy ourselves"

Excuse me?

Was I going to babysit him?

I had no problem going with him, but did I have to play with him in all the rides where adults would play with their, children.

"Raksh?" He pulled my jeans but thanks to the belt for saving my dignity. "Let's go? I know these girls won't take you to the big rides. You're a child and it can be dangerous for your love. You come with me. I'll take you to the kid's section. We'll have lots and lots of fun there" he showed him his heart-melting smile and I couldn't say a no. "Moreover the lady over there, she loves my charm. She always gives me an extra discount" he clicked his tongue and grabbed my hand without letting me answer. "Let's go and have some fun!"

I rolled my eyes at him and looked up as I heard a giggling sound. It was Drishti laughing at us by keeping her hand on her mouth and enjoying the scene.

"All the best Rakshit" she said

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