Y/n raised an eyebrow as he strained his ears to listen to the now shy girl.

"N-Nevermind!! We're supposed to be cooking!"

Y/n chuckled, "Yeah, yeah."

Minju shook her head as she took her watch off, catching Y/n's eye.

"I'm going to chop up these scallions, and mix them with the ingredients over there. Can you get me some water?"

Y/n looked around for a measuring cup, "How much?'

"Just fill up one of the measuring cups with water."

"Where are they?"

"Third cabinet from the left."

"Which group of cabinets?"

"The ones right below me."


Y/n grabbed the measuring cup before filling it with water and bringing it to the chef of the day.

"Can you pull a pan from the cabinet above me, and heat it up?"

"I put oil in it, right?"


"Okay, just making sure."

Minju dropped the scallions into a big mixing bowl before adding the rest of the ingredients. Before she began mixing, Minju took a glance at Y/n who was carefully watching the oil, causing her to giggle.

I should teach him how to cook.

As she mixed the ingredients, Y/n tapped on her shoulder.

"The oil appears to be ready."

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I haven't cooked a single day in my life, so you'd have to tell me, Ms. Kim."

"Ya, don't call me that."

"I will call you that as much as I want."

"Whatever. Does it look like it'll sizzle when you place something in it?"

"I don't fuckin' know- I mean... I'm not sure, Ms. Kim."

Minju giggled, "Okay, I'm almost done."

Minju took a ladle, dipping it into the mixture before pouring the mixture into the pan. As soon as the mixture made contact with the oil, an audible sizzle reached the ears of both students.

"The oil's ready."

Y/n chuckled, "Yeah, no shit."

Minju flattened the mixture into a circular shape with the bottom of the ladle before looking up at Y/n.

"Can you grab some plates from over there?"

Y/n looked at the direction that Minju pointed to.


"Second one."

"Thank you."

Y/n walked over to the cupboard and took out two medium sized plates, placing them on the counter..

"Can you get two pairs of chopsticks from the drawer right in front of you?"


Y/n placed the plates on the table outside of the kitchen, laying the chopsticks right next to them.

"What now?"

"We wait for the pancakes to finish."

"That's all?"

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें