chapter sixty five

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Song: Tequila, Dan + Shay

When I taste tequila, baby I still see ya

Frankie Doyle


When I crossed the finish line for the last time before the Christmas break, there was a sense of relief, happiness and satisfaction.

This had been my most successful season so far. Out of all sixteen races over the past six weekends, I had placed in every single one of them. More importantly though, I had come first in twelve.

I knew I was a good driver. I had been through so many battles to acquire the skill level that I had, but to see my success displayed with my name at the top of the table would never become a feeling that I could ever get used to.

As I sat around a large table filled with my race team, my sponsors, and of course my team mate, I felt a huge sense of pride. All I wanted to do, all that ever mattered to me, was proving that this sport was based off skill, not brawn. As I looked at the faces of those who had come to celebrate the success of our team the first half of this season, I could tell that they believed it too.

Something that I loved about this team is that it felt like a family. When I was on James' team, it very much felt like I was there to do a job; earn him money and go home. If I didn't win, I was honestly scared to be around him, his disappointment could make a room feel like there were ice shards floating in the air.

This team was different though. They made both myself and Kai feel valued no matter what place we came. That meant that our motivation came from a love of the sport, not from a fear of losing or disappointing anyone. All in all, it was a better environment to be in.

Something else that was a bonus of this team was the Christmas party. Free food, free drinks and great people. It was only an hour into the night and I was already a few drinks in. To be honest, everyone was a few drinks in, but when the champagne is free...what can I say?

A tapping on glass dulled the conversation as Kai stood up.

"Hi everyone, I just wanted to say a few words before we all got too munted. I just wanna start off by saying a few thank you's. Firstly to my wonderful manager Mark. I've worked on many race teams and there are so many asshole managers out there that clearly just want their money. You aren't one of them. You make us all feel like winners, even if we don't come in first place."

"Second to the sponsors. Without you, we wouldn't have these amazing cars to drive, we wouldn't have all the gear to keep us safe, so thank you for the part you play in keeping this team going."

"To the crew for making sure that the cars aren't going to crap out of us in the middle of a race, or for helping us to up-skill our driving. I don't say it enough, but you lot really keep the flow on race day."

"Finally to my teammate, Snickers, or Frankie as the rest of you know her. I've never know someone who has been through as much shit as you have in the past two years, and I've also never seen someone with your determination, motivation or drive. You've been supportive when I've felt like kicking a hole through my my car door and encouraged me always. You are the most talented driver I've ever come across and you prove time and time again that you deserve to win this championship. I've not only gained a teammate, but a close friend too. It would be an honour to be beaten by you at the end of this."

"To the team," he raised his glass and the rest of the table followed suit.

"How'd I do?" He asked as he sat back down next to me.

"Better than I could've. Thanks for offering to do that," I smiled.

"No worries. I meant what I said by the way. I really enjoy having you as a friend too," he nudged my shoulder with his softly.

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