chapter thirty four

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Song: Banana Pancakes, Jack Johnson

Lady, lady love me
'Cause I love to lay here lazy
We could close the curtains
Pretend like there's no world outside

Frankie Doyle


As the sun rose, it managed to creep its way through the tiniest gap in my blinds, shining directly on to my face.

I groaned at the thought of getting up. Everywhere hurt.

My muscles were aching from the physical requirements of motorsport, my head was aching from the copious amounts of vodka I had consumed and downstairs hurt because of the man who was currently sleeping with his head on my stomach.

I slowly opened my eyes, using my hands to shield them from the harsh light.

I couldn't help but smile as I glanced down at Harry. I could feel his breath, rhythmically blowing on my stomach as soft snores left his mouth every now and then. His hair was starting to get a bit longer and was flopped over his closed eyes. He had one arm thrown lazily over me and the other tucked underneath him.

He looked so peaceful.

Do you ever stare at someone and you're just amazed at how lucky you are that they are in your life? It's like I almost couldn't comprehend how much I loved this man and I couldn't believe he loved me back.

I couldn't stop myself from running a hand through his soft hair, removing it from his eyes.

"Morning," he hummed in his husky morning voice.

"I didn't mean to wake you," I apologised, pulling my hand away.

"Don't stop, feels good," he mumbled tiredly.

I replaced my hand, gently stroking it through his hair.

Memories of last night flashed through my mind; dancing together, the storage closet, when we got home...

I could feel my breath hitching in my throat at the thought of it all.

"What are you thinking about?" He rasped.

"Last night," I replied simply.

"Oh yeah?" He mused, lifting his head so that he was looking at me. "What about last night?"

"I just really enjoyed dancing with Brooks," I joked.

"Is that so? Anything else?" He taunted with a devious look in his eyes.

"No, not really. I think that was the stand out part of my night," I smirked.

"I know for a fact that Brooklyn isn't the reason you could barely use your legs last night. I don't recall her carrying you to the kitchen bench, then the bathroom counter, then the shower, then back to the bathroom counter so that I could fuck you in each of those places," he growled, moving up the bed so that his face was only centimetres from him.

"You know, I was going to taunt you further, but I really don't feel like facing the repercussions. Even the thought of moving my legs hurts," I groaned.

"I'm sorry baby, is it that bad?" The look on his face shifted immediately from mischievous to concerned.

"I'm okay, I think it's just going to be a 'stay in bed' kinda day," I shrugged.

"I just don't like to see you hurt, especially because of me," he worried.

"Harry, baby, I wanted last night more than anything. I do not regret a single second of it. Please don't feel bad," I assured him.

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