chapter forty eight

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this is part two of a double update so please make sure you read chapter forty seven first :))

Song: Step Up The Morphine, DMA'S

Harry Styles


This race was intense...

I was trying so hard to stay on Frankies tail, but she knew this track like the back of her hand. Admittedly, she knew it better than I did.

For the most part, I was able to tail her. I even managed to get up next to her towards the end half of the race.

As much as I loved Frankie, I really wanted to win.

I wasn't going to do anything stupid to get there, not like I used to, because I never wanted to be the reason that she got hurt on the track. I could've throttled the guy that drove her off the track just before Christmas.

Payne was closing in on me, but his driving seemed sporadic. He was catching up to me, then he'd back off a bit. It was almost like he didn't trust his own driving today and it was making me nervous.

If he wasn't in full control, he was a hazard on the track.

As I drove side by side with Frankie on our fifteenth lap out of eighteen, I noticed Payne crawling up beside us.

He was driving close... too close to make a safe overtake. If he wasn't careful, he was going to clip the back of Frankie's tyres.

I backed off a bit. I knew I'd be able to regain my place in front of him later in the race and I didn't want to end up in a tyre wall.

"Come on Frank, let him pass," I muttered out loud, hoping somehow that she'd get the message.

I was only hoping Frankie would do the same as I did, but what I didn't realise at the time was that Payne was right in her blind spot. She couldn't see him approaching...

The next few seconds seemed to exist outside of time. They felt like the quickest five seconds of my life, yet they somehow seemed to pass by in slow motion.

Just as I had feared, Payne clipped Frankie's right rear tyre, sending her car spinning.

I could see her through the window trying to regain control of the car while Payne spun out into the tyre wall.

Ha. Serves you right. Dickhead.

I managed to steer clear of Frankies spinning car, slowing my own right down.

I let out a sigh of relief when her car finally came to a stop. Even from a distance, I could see her chest heaving in what I assumed was frustration.

That relief was drained from me faster than I could run after I told Niall I accidentally smashed a box of Guinness...

Another car had been distracted by Payne's wreck, that he didn't even see Frankie stopped in the middle of the track.

He hit her at full speed.

I lost count of how many times her car flipped...

The lights around the track shifted to red immediately, signalling to all drivers that they needed to disengage their engines.

I felt like I couldn't breathe as I saw her car land on its side.

I pulled my helmet and brace off of my head, straining to try and see if she was okay.

The emergency crew hadn't arrived yet, all I could see through the cracked class of her windshield was her limp body, strapped into the drivers seat.

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