chapter sixty two

479 22 44

Song: Bridge Back to Your Heart, The Beach

If I could walk between the stars or be given one more chance I know which I'd surrender just to build a bridge back to your heart

Frankie Doyle


I traced my fingers over Harry's side of the bed. It was cold. I opened my eyes to find that I was snuggled up to his pillow. He must've put it there when he got up so he wouldn't wake me. Something felt off...

I tapped my phone screen. 7:18am. He must've been up really early for the bed to be cold.

I swung my legs over the bed and padded to the window, opening the curtains.

It was then that I noticed a figure sitting at the water's edge. His hair was being thrown around by the unforgiving wind as he rubbed his arms over his bare arms in an effort to keep them warm.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I whispered out loud to myself. I quickly threw some trackies and a hoodie, throwing a puffer over the top. I knew the winter ocean breeze could be brutal. Walking into the living room, I picked up the blanket that laid across our couch before I headed outside.

Harry didn't even notice me coming, he was so deep in his head.

"You're going to freeze," I said softly in an attempt not to startle him. It didn't work. I saw him flinch as he heard my words.

Slowly I sat down next to him on the sand, wrapping the blanket around his shoulders.

"Thank you," he said, barely above a whisper.

"What's going on Harry?" I asked.

He didn't respond, instead letting out a long sigh. I had a feeling it had something to do with the message I saw last night.

"Harry...I saw a message on your phone when I got home from the track last night. I didn't mean to. It was on the bathroom vanity and I moved it so it wouldn't get wet. It popped up as I moved it. It said something about making a decision on an offer... Now you're acting strange..." My voice faded away. I wasn't really sure what to say next.

He let out another long sigh. I could practically see his thoughts battling in his head. I decided not to push him. I knew if he was struggling to put things into words, asking him more questions would only stress him out. Instead I just sat next to him in silence, threading my hand through his own to let him know that I was there. I'm not even sure he wanted me there, but I didn't know what to do.

"I've been offered a position on a new race team," he finally spoke. "It's a huge deal. Insane money and a lot of exposure. I'd be racing alongside the international top of the table."

"Harry, that's amazing," I smiled. It would suck that we wouldn't be on the same team, but I knew that it was important that we put our careers first.

"It's in America. They want me there for up to eighteen months," he breathed out, twisting the rings on his fingers.

"What?" I was shocked.

"I asked if they had any openings for another driver. I told them about what an amazing driver you were. They said that they weren't willing to risk adding you to the team because of your injury, but they would be willing to offer you the position of my analyst. I know that I can't ask you to do that though. You were so excited about driving again and although eventually they might want you on their team, it's not a given. I just don't know what to do," he ranted.

"So I either get to follow you to America and be your analyst of stay here and race while you're half the world away?" I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. Just two days ago we were talking about how much we needed each other and how scared we were of losing each other. I never thought I'd have to make a choice like this.

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