chapter forty four

618 22 21

Song: I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor, Arctic Monkeys

I bet that you look good on the dance floor, Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984

Frankie Doyle


"Soooo..." I started, sitting down on my couch next to my best friend.

"So what?" Brooklyn asked skeptically.

"Well, a little birdie told me that you had a visitor over while I was gone. A visitor that I thought you weren't going to see anymore," I smirked.

"Oh, I'm sorry I should have told you. Wait is it okay that I brought him here? I wasn't even thinking to be honest," she rambled.

"Brooks, this is as much your home as it is mine. It's fine. I just wanna know what changed," I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Well, I took Harry's advice after I ended up back in his bed in November and decided to try dating again. Part of me wanted to show him what he was missing, but another part of me just wanted a reason to move on. I was getting kind of sick of having him floating around in my mind all the time when he wasn't ready to give me what I wanted," she took a breath.

"Anyways, I was out on a date with this guy a couple of weeks ago, just before you left for England-" she started again and I smirked at her as she spoke. "It was just a friendly getting to know you thing so wipe that look off you face Francesca. I would've told you about it, but it was around the time you had that big fight with Harry and you were about to leave. I didn't want to put anything more onto you plate. But I actually ended up bumping into Louis while I was at the bar with the other guy. I don't wanna say he seemed jealous but... he totally seemed jealous." This time, it was Brooklyn smirking.

"So I wake up the next morning and there's a message from him saying 'hey can we talk?' And I was like, sure, what have I got to lose. So he came over here. Niall was here because I had already promised to hang, and he shows up with fucking flowers. He said he was sorry that it took seeing me with someone else to realise that I'm what he wanted. I tired to play hard to get for a few days, but in the end I gave in. He's what I've wanted for the better part of a year now, so I thought fuck it."

I could see a genuine smile forming on her lips. She looked really happy.

"So, where to from here?" I asked. 

"Well, we agreed to take it slow, from the beginning. I'd always known his as someone that I had really good sex with, so I wanted to get to know him as someone I was seeing," she shrugged. "We're going on dates, seeing each other a few times a week. But we have the same end goal now."

"You seem really happy," I smiled.

"I am, I really am. I mean, he's smart, attractive, he serves great banter and he's never too serious. He has this silly side that comes out when he's feeling really comfortable and I love to see it. And I mean, have you seen his eyes? They're like the fucking ocean," she said dreamily. 

"I'm so happy things are working out for you two. But you should know, if he fucks you over in any way, shape or form. I'll make sure that it will be impossible for him to make babies," I said, dead serious.

"Oh trust me, I already had that talk with him. I told him you'd probably take him for laps around the race track, but he'd be chained to the outside of the car," she laughed.

I clapped my hand over my mouth as a laugh escaped from me.

"Fuck, I missed you," I chuckled, wiping under my eyes.

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