Chapter 19.

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"I'm glad you're here," Nathaniel greeted, wiping down the counter as Mason arrived to relieve him from his duty. "I didn't realise how much help Louise gave, but this is crazy; it's only 18:00.''

"I've not seen it like this for a while," Mason nodded in agreement, "Vanessa said you can go back to the kitchen,"

"Oh really? That's great; Spencer said I could learn his recipe for his fish and chips,"

"You're interested in cooking?" Mason asked, his eyebrows rising in surprise as the junior nodded, placing the last of the glasses on its shelf.

"Yeah, it's why I took the job; I'm going to a culinary school over the summer,"

"That's erm, that's great, Nathaniel!" For some reason, Mason found it hard to muster genuine enthusiasm, but it seemed his co-worker was grateful without identifying his tone, and he smiled, making his way to the kitchen with a small wave.

The chilly breeze that rushed into the restaurant introduced the next set of customers, and within seconds, Mason started his shift.

The hour went by quickly. Most of the parties were second-year students, Mason schooled with, launching their weekend early. A few of his classmates were going to a party in Hastings and extended the invite, while others enjoyed meals with their parents, catching up after a long week of school and work.

It was also during these snippets of conversations did Mason realise that, like his friends and Nathaniel, each of his peers had a goal. They were either travelling or going to university or even moving away from Rye to gain a fresh start. Though they still had five months until their examinations, it seemed most knew precisely where they were heading.

It was this acknowledgment that forced Mason to recall the man that had offered him his card that night at the races. He hadn't contacted George Baggedly, but the name was a permanent fixture in his mind. The business card still stared at him from where he had left it on his desk, and Mason couldn't deny that he had even considered searching his name on the internet.

Racing was what his parents had dreamed for him, and singing was what he had considered for himself. Mr. Baggedly offered a new perspective- to enter the field of mechanics...and his father supposedly knew him. Though Mason hadn't brought up his options to his father, ever since he'd sold half of his business, perhaps it was another choice to consider.

Once more, Mason found himself at the crossroads, his choices tugging him in all directions, frustrating him to no end. The longer he thought about it, the more compelled he felt to give up altogether. It seemed like the topic just refused to leave his mind, and his sigh was of relief when the bell twinkled, offering the distraction he truly needed.

And to his surprise, the new customer was his best friend, his grin broad as he waved.
"Hey," Mason greeted, pulling the menus out of the drawer. "What brings you guys here?"

"Laura wanted to celebrate my offer," Lucas explained as the familiar blonde who resembled her brother entered through the glass door. Before Mason could drive, Laura had always chauffeured the pair to the beach. She was kind and had been the perfect candidate for the boys to play pranks on, and Haneul had always gotten a kick out of it too.

"Hi, Mason," she beamed as he returned her embrace. "Gosh, it's been a while,"

"It has; I don't think I've seen you since the pandemic started," Mason nodded in agreement, "Come on, let me show you to a table," He led the pair to a booth towards the back that was centrally located before taking orders for drinks, and excusing himself.

Mason didn't have much chance to return to his best friend, outside of providing their food and ensuring he had met their needs. Still, Lucas came to find him just before they left, Vanessa having collected their bill at the bar.
"So, any plans this weekend?" He asked as Mason refilled the serviettes into their metal container.

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