Chapter 7.

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"Heyy," The text message read, persuading Mason to look away from the screen that he and Lucas were both watching. It had been a long day at school, and the pair had agreed to spend the evening watching Cobra Kai.

As planned, they were binging the latest series together, and so far, it was living up to their expectation. Their timetables had delayed their binging session, and with Mason's rigorous training, it had made spending time together almost impossible. Lucas also claimed it worked to his advantage as when Mason was busy, he could revise, but today, Mason had decided to skip the three hours allotted to the track to spend with his best friend. They were already on their fourth episode, and Mason had no doubt they could finish the show in the next few weeks. It may just have to be through facetime, instead of in-person, much to his dismay.

"Hey Anya," He messaged back, taking a handful of popcorn as he attempted, and failed to multitask. His heart was fluttering as he awaited the blue dots to show she was typing, and his smile widened when they appeared thirty seconds later.

"How's it going?" She replied, and he was just as quick to inform her that he was watching the episode with Lucas before returning the question.
"Oh, say hi for me!" Was her immediate response, and he was warmed by the gesture, conveying the message to his best friend, glancing at the screen to catch up on what he had missed momentarily. The music had intensified, indicating a fight was just about to occur, and it was difficult for Mason to deter his attention, despite his friend's curiosity.

"You have Anya's number?" Lucas asked, his blue eyes widened by curiosity, "I didn't realise you were that close. Didn't you almost kill her?"

"Yup," Mason chuckled, reflecting on the memory as a follow-up message arrived. "We're not close, but I guess we're friends. She came to the diner, and I found out about Sam remember,"

"Oh yeah," Lucas nodded, his eyes fixed to the screen as the two female leads prepared for their first interaction. "Wait, do you fancy her?"

The question was so direct that Mason couldn't help but freeze like a deer in headlights. His expression told Lucas all he needed to know, and his beam showcased the grilling that was to come. "You've been holding back," He accused as denial bubbled from Mason's mouth.

"No!" He quickly returned, "I erm, I don''s not like that,"

"I may keep my nose in a book Mase, but I'm not dense," Lucas pursed his lips, waiting for the truth to leak out.

"It's not like that," Mason promised, "she's...she's not like anyone I know. She just seems to get me, which is crazy because I don't know a thing about her,"

"Well, maybe if you asked some of those questions," Lucas teased, as Mason rolled his eyes, picking up the mobile to read the message she had sent.

"It's just finding the opportunity," He sighed before his excitement suddenly sparked up once more,"...she wants to meet at the ice cream parlour, do you want to go?"

"I can't," Lucas grumbled, pointing towards the ceiling to remind him of the 12-year-old twin sisters that were occupying the other floor.

"We can bring them?" Mason suggested though it was apparent Lucas' face expressed the truth. Lana and Lily were great when they were left to their own devices, but even the thought of driving them to the ice cream parlour put him on edge. The twins were loud and bratty, and that was putting their behaviour lightly. Without any sisters to compare them to, Mason had assumed that they were all this way, but it seemed the elder the twins got, the worse they became.

Mason felt awful for Lucas having to live with them, but it seemed the elder brother wasn't too phased. Apparently, he got his own back when he could occasionally steal their snacks and could call Mason anytime to getaway. The twins didn't have a driver to escape, and Mase could only agree with that.

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