Chapter 15.

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Mason released a small sigh as he glanced at the clock staring back on the wall above him. It was his final mock exam, physics, and he only had twenty minutes ago.

The last two weeks had passed by with unbelievable speed. He'd barely had a moment free outside of revision, working through his shifts at the diner and training under his father's guidance. Singing and spending time with his friends had been put on the back burner, but thankfully Anya and Lucas were facing similar scenarios, so the understanding was mutual.

Tonight, however, he planned for things to change. His shift at Sinclair's diner would end at 6 pm, so Spencer has asked if he could spend the rest of the evening giving a live performance. It would be the first time he would be performing at the diner since Spencer had agreed, and so he had silently decided tonight was the night he was going to make things official between him and Anya. Lucas was in on the plan and had already agreed to ask Anya if they would like to meet at the diner later in the evening.

But first, Mason needed to complete his exam, and when Mrs. Smith, the assigned invigilator, made eye contact with him from across the hall, it was a stark reminder that he needed to concentrate.

"How did you find it?" Lucas asked, meeting him at the exit door before they walked towards the changing rooms, attached to the sports hall, where their belongings were kept.

"It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible." He decided, zipping up his clear pencil case as the blonde murmured his agreement.

"And how are you feeling about tonight? Are you excited?"

"I'd rather retake my exams; I'm bricking it!" Mason summarised as Lucas chuckled, clapping his back in comfort as he added:

"She'll say yes," He gushed, "and if she doesn't, then at least ten years down the line, you won't regret that you didn't shoot your shot."

"I suppose that's true,"

"Of course, it's true," Lucas grinned, placing his denim jacket over his shoulders. "Anyway, I best head off; Laura promised me a milkshake for finishing my exams,"

"Well, I won't keep you; see you tonight!" Mason smiled, taking a left turn to where his car was parked. He was quick to unlock the vehicle, but a niggling thought persuaded him to pivot and stare at the brick building standing tall. Seven years had been spent in the school, and only then did Mason acknowledge his education was almost over. He'd made seven years' worth of memories, attended classes, and found close friends behind those walls, and to think he would be free of it all in six months felt like a shock to his system.

He still had six months, he mentally appeased, and the upcoming Christmas ball would be an opportunity to celebrate and enjoy the company of his peers without the threat of life's most significant decisions along with school exams looming over him.

Unlocking his car, he dumped his rucksack in the boot but kept his coat on as a result of the brisk chill. Soon enough, he was in the front seat, meandering the familiar roads as he thought over the lines he had rehearsed. There would never have been enough time to practise, but he wanted things to be perfect. It was this reason alone that caused his heart to flutter intensely as Anya's home appeared.

Out of respect, he had decided to speak to Mr. Kumar before asking Anya to be officially his. The timing couldn't have been more perfect as Anya had gone to the ice cream parlour after her English exam this morning for her shift, and her uncle could be heard from within the shop as he entered.

"Hi Mason, how are you?" Naveer asked as the bell above the shop alerted his arrival.

"Mr Kumar-" Somehow, the words seemed to get tangled in his throat when the Asian man glanced his way. "I-I'm fine," he finally forced out, "how's erm, how are you?"

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