Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5- LTC

The Sinclair's diner was beginning to fill when Mason returned for his Friday afternoon shift. It was the only allocated time that he worked during the daylight hours.

Spencer also only made his outstanding fish and chips at the end of the working week, and so for most residents, it was a tradition that they came for dinner. Most consumers came in their family groups, but friends and even lone eaters were a common sight, all fulfilling Sinclair's dream with each order they made.

It had been an arduous long week, and Mason was just grateful that he had the diner and few hours he spent singing to keep as a distraction. School had gone from being challenging to suffocating, and any spare moment Mason had, was spent revising for the physics exams he had been ignoring for the last term.

The thought of not passing wasn't an option, and Mason had used the majority of his time at home, attempting to complete the past papers he had printed in school.
He was beginning to panic, and he could only hope that as a result of the pandemic, the paper he was provided was more manageable than what was offered in previous years.

Despite the thoughts that constantly ran through his mind, Mason completed his tasks without any error. He waited and served, shared banter with the regulars he knew, and occasionally walked around with coffee, as they did in most traditional  American diners.
Most guests would refuse or ask for sugar and milk to accompany the beverage, but it all contributed to the aesthetic. Alison and Nathaniel, both students in the year below Mason, were also working tonight, and so despite the growing crowd, his job was still manageable.

At 8 pm, the bell rang, and a genuine smile spread Mason's lips as he recognised the tall man from across the room. He had striking black hair, a slightly large nose, and yellowed teeth that had been stained from his youth, but his grin was sincere.

Mason's father didn't have much time for anything outside of work these days. After Haneul had died and his mother could no longer work, his father had no choice but to commit the extra hours to ensure he retained his business. Still, his father had made it habitual that he would come to the diner so that they could discuss Mason's training. It wasn't exactly the topic Mason wanted, but he could appreciate that his father at least tried.

Losing Haneul had tortured Mason just as much as it had hurt his father, and with his mother...indisposed, Mason had no choice but to clutch at the family he had left.

"Hey, kiddo," Mason senior announced, clapping his hand against Mason's back in the form of a greeting.

"Hey, dad, ready to eat?"

"Of course!" He expressed enthusiastically, rubbing his hands together to gesture his excitement. "Fish and chips tonight?"

"Fish and chips," Mason affirmed, noting the order and adding it to the pile before following his father to a booth that leaned against the window, towards the back of the room.

"So tell me, what have you been up to?" Mason Senior asked, tucking his mobile into his pocket so that their time remained uninterrupted.

"Work, school, training; you know, the usual." Mason shrugged, only receiving a nod as Alison moved towards their table.

"Hello Mason, Mr Park, can I start you off with some drinks?"

"That would be great," Mason's father nodded brightly. "We'll have two of your finest strawberry milkshakes, please; Mase has already put in our meal order,"

"I'll be back in a mo," she grinned, leaving the drinks menu behind in case they wanted something else later on.

"Alison is a lovely lass," Mason senior mused, piquing Mason's curiosity before horror washed over his face.

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