Chapter 13.

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Mason woke up to his blanket being ripped off of him, exposing his bare upper limbs to the brisk cold. His eyes innately clenched shut as he groaned, rolling onto his stomach to seek warmth as he felt the uncomfortable wires of his headphones dig into his stomach.

"Now that's not how you wake up as a winner," a familiar voice complained, "Come on, Mase, it's a beautiful day we've got a lot of work to do,"

His father's tone offered Mason little opportunity for him to disagree, and with a slow nod, he listened to Mason senior's footsteps as he departed the room, leaving him alone. It was almost too tempting to pull back the blanket and return to his slumber, but Mason knew it would only infuriate his father further. Losing the race nearly two weeks ago had done enough damage, and so with a reluctant fuelled sigh, he rolled off the bed, picked up some clean clothes, and headed into the bathroom.

Without speaking to his father regarding his new reserves around racing, notably when he considered his mums' reaction, he knew he didn't have any choice.
After his teeth were brushed and he'd showered, Mason descended the steps to find his father plating him a fresh batch of eggs. It was a heavy breakfast and told him all he needed to know.

"We're going west towards Birmingham," his father announced, confirming his thoughts. "Practising on our course will only get you so far; you need a real track. You need to boost your skills, and a clear mind will help," he added, picking up his cutlery to dig into the breakfast.

Mason climbed into the seat opposite as his question tumbled out of his lips. "Where is mum?"

"She's asleep; I thought it best to leave her that way." The tone of finality informed Mason of the truth. His mum would continue to be none the wiser as he continued to seek both her and his brother's dream. There was no logic behind it and yet it was his father's stance, and one Mason wanted to rebuke.

"I think we should tell her..." Mason highlighted, cutting up the eggs into sizeable bites with the side of his fork.

"She'll be fine, and she is happy you're doing this" Mason senior dismissed, "She's just not in any position to handle a discussion like this and-"

"Then why can't you understand that she needs help!" Mason cried, watching as his father's nostrils flare and the lines of stress marring his brow deepen as he exhaled deeply through his nose.

"Because she's fine," Was the roared reply, and Mason flinched, lowering his gaze onto the cooling food before him. "Just eat okay; we're going to have a great time," His father added, forcing both Mason and the universe to heed the underlying warning that infiltrated his tone.

Mason didn't have any choice but to agree, and half an hour later, they were heading towards the motorway as anxiety seeped into his heart. The tension that had continued to dampen the foundations of what remained of Mason's family was both a motivating and discouraging factor that made it hard for him to choose.
Despite all that had happened after Hanuel's death, although his mother hadn't coped, his father had remained present. He had been there for him, in his own way, and Mason couldn't argue against that.

Still, this was not how he wanted to spend his Saturday, but a promise was a promise, and Mason was creative; he could source entertainment somehow. As much as it pained him, he could only listen to his father and watch the road ahead, the decision has been made.

Using the long journey to his advantage and as a way to escape his thoughts, Mason began to compile the playlist he wanted, to set the scene for the Christmas ball his sixth form was hosting. Anything would be better than the tense silence that was currently radiated off the pair, and he hadn't had the opportunity to think more on the matter. As he explored the most popular party songs of his generation, it was quickly becoming an exciting opportunity, and the awkwardness began to disappear as Mason settled into his seat.

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