(23) 🤰🏼3 months later👩🏻‍🍼

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I'm 9 months and two days pregnant and my water bag still haven't broken, I'm currently in the hospital; have been for two days, I actually just got induced a few hours ago and I really miss GIGI, she's staying with Veronica until I'm out of the ER, she has honestly gotten so big, she's exactly 9 months a week and two days old, I smiled to myself thinking about my daughter looking over to see Jughead still asleep on a chair on my bedside, I quickly leaned over licking his lip to get him up giggling to myself, he smiled at me licking his lips, before leaving a quick peck to my lips.

B- I'm hungry baby *I groaned*
J- what do you want to eat? "He said sitting up properly and smiling at me"
B- you "I said jokingly, smirking"
J- haha funny, no seriously what would you like to eat?
B- uhm, how about a grilled cheese sandwich and some orange juice
J- ok, I'll let Hope get it made and bring your juice
B- thank you baby, I love you
J- I love you too, I'll be right back

He soon came back with a glass of orange juice, I drank some resting it on the bedside table when suddenly I got the urge to poop

B- babe, help me to the bathroom quickly please
J- what? My baby needs to poop poop "he said jokingly"
B- it's not funny Forsythe, I really need to go, like right now "I said glaring at him"
J- I'm sorry, let's go "he said raising his hand in surrender and helping me to the bathroom"

I quickly pulled up my hospital gown sitting on the toilet, I began forcing to poop as it didn't want to come down easily, I continued pushing only to feel a slight pop and a sudden gush of warm fluid running down, I didn't even need to pee- shit!

B- Jughead!!! Get Hope now! *I shouted*
J- omg, are you ok, what happened?
B- my water just broke, get Hope before I give birth on this toilet! "I said panicking"
J- shit!

I heard his footsteps speeding out of the room and a few minutes later another set rushing in, they soon opened the bathroom door helping me on the bed and I could barely catch a break seeing as her head was already out of my vagina. I pushed and pushed still trying to catch my breath from the shock of almost getting the baby over the toilet, after a few more pushes the room were filled with cries.

B- phewww, I can breathe again "I said sitting up quickly wiping the sweat off of my forehead"
H- how do you get so much energy after you just give birth? *she chuckled*
B- I didn't feel a thing this time, I was just in shock that I almost delivered a toilet baby *chuckles*
H- *laughs* believe it or not Landon is a toilet baby
B- yikes! Well that must suck
H- *chuckles* I'll never know, I was born in this very hospital room
B- apparently I was conceived and delivered in a bathtub
H- that actually seems cool
B- maybe for me, but I don't think it was for my mother *chuckles*
H- maybe not, I'm gonna go clean her off and call Landon, I'll be back shortly
B- ok, see you soon

She left and around 30 minutes later she came back with the baby and a guy I'm guessing is Landon, Jug and I stopped talking and smiled waving them.

H- I'm back, uhm this is my fiancé Landon, Landon this is my friend/surrogate Betty and her boyfriend Jughead
B- hey, it's nice to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you *puts out her hand to shake*
L- *shakes it* all good things I hope
B- *laughs* that's funny, Hope
H- heyyy, leave me and my name alone
B- no problem, Landon was Hope good in bed
H- BETTY! *covers her face and blushes*
B- what? I told you to try it rough and I know you did, I'm just asking him how was it
L- oooh, I live for high school girl talks
B- so do I *giggles* so how was it?
L- it was AmaZing, thanks for suggesting it because now we get wild in those sheets every-
H- Dani stop! "She said covering her extremely red face and turning away from us"
B- it was no problem, I think you and Jughead would make great friends, yall could bond over the fact that y'all both love high school girl talk *chuckles*
J- I do not
B- you do too, you were all in my mouth
J- of course I was, many many times
B- *face palms* oh my god, not that! You were staring my face listening intently to our conversation, since you want me to go into all the unnecessary details
J- oh I know what you mean, you were just embarrassing my friend, so I had to get back at you
B- and I'm not embarrassed, I love sucki-
L- *covers her mouth* ok enough high school girl talk, my baby is in the room
B- I hope you did not do anything with Hope before you came in here, I don't want her juices all over my mouth
H- oh god *face palms* your definitely that no filter friend hope was talking about
B- I would've told Hope something, but I can't because she's right, my mouth has no filter. Anyways what's the cutie's name?
L- Hope you wanna do the honors?
H- Yh of course, her name is Mya Hope Miracle Kirby-Mikaelson. Mya from you because of the wonderful person you are, thank you again so much for doing this, Hope well because it's my name *chuckles* Miracle because she's our little miracle and Kirby-Mikaelson because it's cuter with my name last and we didn't want to leave out Kirby
B- that's very beautiful "I said through tears"
H- stop crying or I'm gonna cry "she said blinking away the tears that were coming"
B- sorry, I just love meaningful names and the facts you give her my middle name as her first name, I give GiGi my grandma's name that passed away, my middle name and Jughead's last name "I chuckled wiping my tears away"
H- that's actually cute and thoughtful, I honestly don't see the point of just naming a baby with no meaning to it, like the baby is not an animal where you just call her/him anything, like think about it deeply and have a meaning behind it
B- Exactly! Not saying I have anything against anyone who does that, I'm just a very thoughtful person
H- Yh, me too
B- *smiles* can I hold her?
H- of course "she got her and handed her to me"

I smiled down an the sleeping baby in my hand before singing twinkle, twinkle, little star, she soon started smiling in her sleep before opening her eyes, I gasped lightly admiring her beautiful eyes that were two different colors, I kept booping her nose as she smiled, she soon grabbed my index finger attempting to put it in her mouth as I giggled and gently pulled it away booping her nose again.

We continued talking and getting to know eachother more for the rest of the day, I actually got Mya a matching gold anklet with red and black beads to match GIGI's and I own. She's honestly so cute, Hope and I already have in mind to do play dates and have family dinners, she says she really greatful for what I did and want Mya to grow up knowing me and how thoughtful and awesome I am. I'm actually really happy with the direction my life is heading in, except the part where I can't have sex for six months again.

 I'm actually really happy with the direction my life is heading in, except the part where I can't have sex for six months again

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       ^^^ Mya Hope Miracle Kirby-Mikaelson ^^^

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^^^ Mya Hope Miracle Kirby-Mikaelson ^^^

        ^^^ the anklet the three of them got ^^^

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^^^ the anklet the three of them got ^^^

A/N I would really appreciate if you guys would follow me and interact with my story more, btw I'm always opens for requests, it's just that the more followers and interactions I get is the more  motivation I get to write and it's less of a possibility of me skipping a day, and the request is for y'all because I want to keep y'all happy, so if y'all want something to happen later on in any of my story just request and I'll try my best to fit it in☺️

~ Niqua💖

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