"Baby I don't think you need new slippers for school."

"But daddy says I need to be comfobow."

"Well yes, but no slippers for now. They'll call me or daddy to bring you new shoes if you show up in those."

She still throws them in the cart when she thinks I'm not looking and continues on directing us to the crafts section so we can find all the arts and craft supplies she needs.

"You're going to make sooooo many cool projects at school baby! We'll have to clear the fridge off at home so we can hang them up and everyone can see."

"I can make a biiiiiiiiig Penis and Norm picture!"

"Oh my... you sure can. Maybe we should practice on how we pronounce Peanut's name before school starts."

"Mommy I know his name. It's Pea-niiis. Yike what you eat."

Brad tries so hard to control his laughter while I have to keep a straight face knowing she has no idea at all what she's saying and that Penis and Peanut are NOT the same word.

"Baby it's Pea-nut. Just like when you say peanut butter and jelly."

"Penis buwer and jelly?"

"... let's get some tissues. Mrs. Kline asked if each parent can get some of them. Maybe we should get some cleaning supplies too."

I quickly move on now that she has the whole cart filled with random sparkly items she's found around the store.

"Okay now Sisi we need to get your little school uniforms, Mrs. Kline said we need a red polo and white shorts, you also need a night blue one and grey shorts"

We walk through the clothes aisle while I try to find her size "Not gwey i no like"

"I know it's not the best honey but you need to wear it when you go to school, and then as soon as daddy or I pick you up, you can take it off"

"No I wear the red one only, it pwetty, not the gweyyyyy"

"....Sienna- okay you won't wear it, I'm gonna take it just in case "

Thankfully she doesn't argue much more as long as we don't make her wear right away, and since she doesn't start until a week, we have some time to get her used to it.

"Well princess Sienna, I think we've got everything we need for school! You're gonna be the best little student ever baby!"

Brad lifts her up, trying his best to cheer her up as we're both apprehending her first day away from us.

"I always first mommy!"

"Oh man it's starting already...yes honey, daddy and I will be so so proud of you if you are. And it's also okay if you aren't always the first, as long as you have fun and do your best okay?"

"No I always be first, I the best"

"So she's gonna be THAT type of student, we're in for a lot of fun" Brad and I both laugh, seeing her competitive side kicking in right away

"Alright Sisi let's go home"

"I wead my book for bed?"

"Your new school book? We can do that but you need to take your bath and get in your jammies first."

We let her run into the house, Brad getting some late night snacks ready for us as I follow her upstairs where she insists on taking a shower now that she's a "big girl" in school.

I listen carefully to her singing her ABCs and counting as high as she can, taking in these precious moments of my first baby before we officially send her off to school and the all the obstacles that come with it.

"Mommy I sweep naked tonight?" She stands in her little towels, helping me wrap her special hair towel around her head as she makes her plans "Cause it just me and you and daddy."

"What if you at least wear your princess underwear? Like me and daddy always wear ours."

"But I see you naked in bed when I scawed at night."

"... well, that's just because I was sooooo tired that night I forgot to put anything on. But we don't want you to get cold. You know daddy has the room suuuuuuuper cold."

"Why daddy has the room cold?"

"Because he gets too hot"

"Why he gets too hot?"

"I don't know honey, you'll ask him later...alright babe, are we ready for dodo?"

"Yessss I get my book!"

I watch her run off with her little towel falling out of her hair while calling out for Brad to make sure he gets upstairs in time for her to read to us.

"Which book do we get tonight?"

We all climb in bed, Brad handing out the snacks as Sienna cuddles up between us opening the book in both our faces.

"It saaaaaaaaaays Sisi goes bye to schoow and mommy and daddy get sad and cwy... and penis and normy wait for me! The ennnnnd!"

"We love you baby. So, so, so much."

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