"W-Wait!" I yelled. "I may not be a Shane, but I have to work with you! I need to work with you to save Slugterra!"

The leader's glowing eyes were narrowed, but he made no attempt to stop me from continuing.

"Doctor Blakk and the Goon are bringing in the Darkbanes and the Emperor's army of stone warriors to Slugterra in two days time! We have done our part to prepare for the fight, but we still need your help," I pleaded, but he did not seemed entertained.

"Nonsense! The Darkbanes and the Emperor are blocked away by the Guardian Slugs. There is no way they can enter Slugterra without first passing through the crossings," the leader hissed. "Liars!"

"She's telling the truth! Slugterra is coming to an-" Junjie tried to speak for me, but he was cut off.

"Why would I trust a random girl who possesses the Shadow Talker without our permission?" the leader asked, sending shivers down my spine.

My body tensed up as I felt a large hand on my shoulder. I pulled out my preloaded blaster to hit whoever was touching me, and I heard a loud thud and a wince. I turned around to see a Shadow Clan laying on the ground, groaning as it held onto its arm. I aimed my blaster at it and glared daggers.

"Do not touch me," I said, but soon realised all the Shadow Clan were aiming their blasters at Junjie and I. Junjie had his blaster out, aiming it at the Shadow Clan nearest to him.

"Please! We mean no harm! Doctor Blakk is going to conquer Slugterra and if we don't work together-" Junjie tried again, but he shut himself when the leader growled at him.

"There is no threat. There is no war. Humans are such selfish beings. You are trying to use us for your own good."

"What?" I holstered my blaster and turned back to face him. "That is not true at all! Do you really think we would come to visit you in your territory just to ask you to help us on our own matter? No! Who in their right minds would risk their lives for that? We came because we really need your help to fight for Slugterra!"

"There is no need to fight. As I have said, the Darkbanes and the Emperor will never step foot into Slugterra because of the Guardian Slugs' protection," the leader hissed, and his underlings nodded in agreement.

"No. This is where you're wrong," Junjie protested. "They have found a way to bring them in through Terraportals."

Their leader stared down at us, his expression unchanged. He reached out a hand to me, and spread open his three long fingers.

"The Shadow Talker."

"No. You don't understand! Please trust us. We need you. Help us!" I cried out to him. "As a friend of Eli Shane!"

"If Eli Shane is truly gone, the Shadow Clan is not friends with anyone," the leader hissed. He looked down at his palm, insisting me to hand over the Shadow Talker.

"Please," I pleaded one last time, my voice cracked, and that resulted in them screeching angrily at me.

"Alessia," Junjie called out for me and I looked at him. He nodded his head as the Shadow Clan around us were closing in dangerously.

I let out a sigh, before I removed the Shadow Talker from my head and gave it to the leader. He took the device and the Shadow Clan started to leave one by one.

"You're making a big mistake!" I yelled the Shadow Clan teleported away. The leader gave us one last glare, before he too vanished.

"Damn it!" I screamed as I slammed a fist into Dalinda. Phoenix chirped sadly on my shoulder, but she didn't know what to do.

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