37| Remembrance

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After a few more hours of me staring at pictures of strangers with a straight face, Twist and Dana finally returned from their mission and walked into the room.

"Where's Eli?" Twist asked the second he entered the room.

"Fled to who knows where," Mia answered as she pointed at me in another picture taken on Eli's eighteenth birthday.

"You can report to us what you find," Trixie said as Twist and Dana each pulled out a chair and settled down beside my bed.

"Tad is still busy building his Terraportal and I didn't see anyone else, but Twist couldn't stop telling me how Tad was not alone and how Doctor Blakk and the Goon are using Tad's Terraportal to destroy Slugterra and betray Tad," Dana reported as she opened a can of soda.

"Love that necklace, by the way," she added as she pointed at the necklace hanging around my neck.

"Thanks," I said and returned her smile. Multiple chirps were heard as my slugs were messing around on my bed, chasing each other around and talking.

Burpy, who was sad because he was forgotten by his slinger when he dashed out of the room, was with Phoenix on the table, taking care of their baby. Hero and Cobra were perching on my shoulder, and a few of my slugs nudged onto my body in an attempt to nap.

I smiled at them. They were so pure and adorable. I really wonder what each of them does, as I had figured out they were used as ammo when I saw blasters hanging from everyone's holster.

"Alessia?" Twist called out for me and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Do you have nothing to say about this?" he asked me, looking at me sternly. It was then I realised everyone in the room was looking at me.

"Sorry. I wasn't listening," I chuckled. He shot me an 'are you serious' look before he repeat what he said.

"Tad is working with two other leaders as far as I know. I met one of them when he wanted to kill you, the Goon. You told me that Doctor Blakk informed you about their plan of destroying Slugterra and it is happening very soon. Do you not remember any of that?" Twist asked.

"If I couldn't even remember the names of my slugs and mechabeast, and you guys, do you think I would remember that?" I questioned him with a smirk.

"Yes! Of course you would! This is extremely important! The whole of Slugterra will fall if they succeed with their plan!" Twist argued.

"Well, clearly that was not the case. As you said, if Doctor Blakk told her about his plan, she would have remember it since it is that important," Trixie said as she crossed her arms.

"Exactly! And you are foolish to think that the Shane Gang will ever trust you again!" Pronto yelled at Twist. He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly silenced himself.

"Pronto! That's not nice!" I frowned at Pronto and he looked at me in disbelief.

"If you remember what he has done to the Shane Gang, especially to Eli, you would think that not blowing him up into pieces with a Grenuke is nice enough," Pronto hissed and glared at Twist.

There was a moment of silence before Dana spoke up.

"By the way, the doctors want to meet you guys to gather more information for Alessia's case. They are at the meeting room," Dana informed, and the rest of the gang exchanged glances.

Kord nodded before they stood up and left the room.

"I'll get us lunch," Dana said and stood up to leave the room.

"I'll come with you. It's not safe out there," Twist said as he stood up after her, but Dana stopped him.

"I will be fine. I won't be caught a second time," she said, smiling at him. "You should stay here to protect Alessia. What if the Goon breaks into the hospital and kills her? She needs you more than I do."

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