Chapter 113: Why can't it be robbed?

Start from the beginning

The guild members heard Zero Arsenic, stared at each other, and dispersed. Those who had occasionally suffered from Thousand Sunsets' wrath snorted and left.

After the members dispersed, Zero Arsenic let out a sigh and said to Thousand Sunsets, "Even if you're angry, you can't vent your frustration onto the guild members."

"Why not? They're just a bunch of trash waiting for me to give them salary! Who do they think they are? My ancestor?" When Thousand Sunsets' anger was at its peak, he would snap at anybody who tried to calm him down.

Zero Arsenic creased his eyebrows. He was about to say something, but decided against it at the last moment. He turned around and entered the guild warehouse. It had indeed been ransacked, and quite decently at that. Other than the 1 copper coin in the safe, there was absolutely nothing left.

Almost 2 million gold coins. The stolen items were Steel Blooded Battle Spear's sweat and blood ever since the server was launched. They were gone just like that. Zero Arsenic felt a throbbing pain in his heart and a wave of nausea washed over him. He leaned against the wall for support. It took quite a while for the nausea washing over him to subside.

The loss of the gold coins in the safe was a small matter. But all the rare materials, recipes, skill books and equipment... They were all priceless. To lose them all just like that... Zero Arsenic felt that the future of the guild was grim.

"Wait, how could a guild warehouse be robbed?" Asked Zero Arsenic, as he stared at Thousand Sunsets. The question popped up in Zero Arsenic's mind after he had recovered.

Realization had also hit Thousand Sunsets, "That's right! The guild warehouse is a place safer than personal storage! How could it be robbed? This must be a bug! It must be!"

"Hurry and contact the customer service!" Said Zero Arsenic to Thousand Sunsets.

Thousand Sunsets immediately contacted Fate's customer service, which also immediately responded. But Thousand Sunsets just exploded into a fit of rage right after the voice of the customer service employee entered his ears. He began yelling and cursing at the customer service employee without even explaining the situation. Zero Arsenic immediately signaled for him to drop the call, and decided to call customer service himself.

Zero Arsenic was not sure if it was the same employee who picked up his call, but her voice was sweet. He greeted her politely and calmly told her the supposed "bug" that the guild had encountered. He then concluded, "The guild warehouse had always been the safest place, but somebody managed to rob our guild warehouse. I feel that this is impossible. Can you please give me an answer to this?"

"Okay, your issue had been recorded. We'll give you an official answer within 30 minutes. Please hang up the call and wait patiently."

Zero Arsenic let out a long sigh after hanging up the call. He walked out of the guild warehouse and closed the door. He patted Thousand Sunsets on the shoulder, "Alright, let's head to the conference room, they'll give us an answer within half an hour."

Although Thousand Sunsets' face was dark as ash after his fit of anger, he had slightly calmed down. He nodded and followed Zero Arsenic into the conference room. Before they could take their seats, Zero Arsenic was contacted by the customer service.

The person who was calling them however, was no ordinary customer service employer. It was a member of the development team, Customer Service No.197.

"Hello, are you Zero Arsenic? I am Customer Service No.197."

Zero Arsenic was a smart person. He knew that No.197 was no ordinary employee, but one of the developers, "Yes, I am."

"Allow me to answer your question. About the ransacking of your guild warehouse, it is definitely part of the game mechanics. We can confirm that it is not a bug." Customer Service No.197 went straight to the point, informing the two that the entire incident was not a bug.

"What do you mean it's not a bug? Somebody cleared out our guild warehouse!"

"In theory, it's not a bug."

Even a Buddha has limits, Zero Arsenic's anger finally surfaced, "What do you mean? Have you ever heard of a guild warehouse being robbed before? Do you think this is the first day I'm playing an online game? Do you think I would believe such a retarded answer, and then quietly accept my bad luck?"

Customer Service No.197 was apparently used to solving such problems. He chuckled, and answered Zero Arsenic's question calmly with a question of his own, "Fate is a game claiming to be 100% realistic, so why can't a guild warehouse be robbed? Just because you can't rob a guild's warehouse in other games? Even Citibank in the United States can be robbed, so why not a guild warehouse?"

Zero Arsenic was lost for words after listening to Customer Service No.197's question. He then exclaimed after a few seconds of being momentarily stunned, "If there's such a setting, why don't you warn all the players!? It is highly irresponsible towards the players, and the game!"

"We've already made a statement about that on our official website. We've announced that the official website would only reveal 5% of the game content, while the rest of the 95% must be discovered by players on their own. As for that incident, I can only give you my deepest condolences, while congratulating you for discovering new game content. I will forward this to the development team, and reward you with a special achievement."

"You!" Zero Arsenic was so angry that he was lost for words, "I will report you!"

Customer Service No.197 was aggrieved by the accusation and he let out a sigh, "Sir, I've given you an official answer regarding the problem you have faced. Is there anything else that you need help with?"

Zero Arsenic's temper was at its maximum. Even his hands trembled. He said after a long pause, "Nothing."

"Good, I wish that you have a good gaming experience. If there's something else you need help with, feel free to contact us again."

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