I continued to give him the silent treatment the whole way, ignoring his pleading to tell him what was wrong. Once we had pulled up to our house, he finally asked again.

"Kong, please tell me what is wrong ?? What did I do ??"

He asked, touching my arm, which was crossed tightly across my chest.

"Nothing is wrong, Arthit"

I snapped, staring straight ahead.

"It doesn’t sound like it’s nothing. You can tell me anything,Kong"

He said.

"Why should I tell you ?? So you can go back to the restaurant tomorrow and gossip about it with Tanya ?? It seems you two became tight buddies again, tonight. You completely forgot about me. I had to sit and listen to you two gossip like old ladies while I ate my dinner in silence"

I snapped at him.

Arthit heaved a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Please,Kong. Do not tell me you still think Tanya is out to steal me from you. We went through this in our college days. Why bring it up again ?? We are married now"

He groaned.

I swiveled my head towards him in anger, glaring holes into the side of his head.

"I think I have every damn right to think that Arthit !! She sat there and basically flirted with you right in front of me !! And all you did was bask it in !! Not once did you think to invite your husband into the conversation !!"

I exploded.

"Kong, you are being unreasonable"

He said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Are you serious right now ??Did you just hear yourself ?? Excuse me, but I was the one taking you out to celebrate your new achievement. I didn’t take you out so you and that tramp could become best friends and talk while your husband just sits there !!  And you think I am being unreasonable ?? You are such an asshole Arthit"

I yelled.

"How am I an asshole ?? You could have joined in on the conversation,Kong !! You didn’t have to sit there and sulk like a spoiled brat the entire evening"

He said, annoyance seeping through his voice.

I gasped, lifting my hand and swiping it across his head with a sharp smack. His hurtful words echoed in my mind as he turned and stared at me with shocked eyes. Not once in our entire relationship, have I ever raised my hand to him, or him to me. But I couldn’t stop the hateful words that followed the smack.

"You know, I wanted to talk to you about adopting a baby tonight, but you pretty much ignored me the entire night. But since I am a spoiled brat, I guess you don’t want to raise a child with me. Don't worry, I won't come in your way anymore, I will adopt a child on my own. You and Tanya can just live in your happy little bubble without me"

I watched the words do their damage, but couldn’t seem to find it in me to care at the moment. His words hurt me, so it only seemed right that mine, did the same.

Arthit is a very possessive man, a side of him I can love and hate at the same time. He hates thinking of me being without him..... or with anyone else.

When we were in college and living in together, my childhood friend James, came to live nearby our condo. He was my closest friend in childhood so naturally we started to spend a lot of time together. When James told me he had feelings for me, I had told him that I only saw him as a friend and Arthit is the only one for me. He promised not to get in the way of mine and Arthit’s relationship, so I stayed friends with him. What I didn’t expect was for him to use every little excuse to get me to hang out with him. There were times when he was 'sick' and needed help getting better. There were times when girls dumped him and he needed help getting over them with the comfort of a friend. Arthit despised James and hated it when he called me because he needed me when a girl broke up with him.

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