Chapter 35

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Jo's POV:

This morning is the first time in a week that I've woken up in a good mood. Literally. Thanks to finally having everything between Hero and I out in the open and the fact that he gave me a multitude of orgasms before he left for the studio this morning. Mmm.. morning sex. I'm getting tingly just thinking about it.

Hero left a little before 9am, having his driver that's been assigned pick him up at the hotel before taking him to his photo shoot. After he was gone, I ordered room service and took full advantage of doing absolutely nothing and continued to lay in bed.

In the midst of everything that happened last night, I had forgotten to respond to Kath's text asking if I had made it alright. Hero and his way of making me forget anything else in the world with those damn lips and hands. Not that I'm complaining..

It's well after nine o'clock on the west coast, so I decide to call her and let her know I'm at least alive and well.

"Hello?" She answer's almost on the first ring. Sounding chipper as ever for morning time.

"Hey," I say with a smile. "I'm sorry I didn't answer last night. I was.. a little preoccupied," I draw my lip between my teeth. If I know my sister, her mind will go straight for the gutter.

"Occupied as in.. mind blowing make up sex with your man?" I can hear the evil grin in her voice.

"I'm not disclosing the details of my sex life to my own sister."

"Oh, spare me," she sighs. "With all due respect.. you told me he got you pregnant Joey. Obviously you two have sex. And after being away from each other for so long? I'd bet my bank account it went down two seconds after you knocked on his door," she laughs. Okay, not two seconds but under half an hour at least.

"Quit," I say as I feel my cheeks blush. This is so not a conversation I want to be having with my older sister. Her picturing Hero and I.. naked.. doing.. oh for Christ sake. Yeah, no.

"How are things in LA? You still seeing Jaxon?" I change the subject.

"Yeah.. we've been texting. Nothing serious. He invited me out on the boat again this weekend and I haven't decided if I want to go or not yet. He assured me there would be other girls this time but I don't want to give him the impression I want things to be serious or anything," she says in a bored tone.

"Why? I thought you liked him," I say confused.

"Well, yeah I do. But.. I don't know, Jo. I'm just not in the market for a relationship right now. I've got a project coming up in a few months in Paris. I don't want the extra stress."

I get that. One hundred percent. I think the reason Hero and I never made things official so long ago, was because we both have such crazy lives, traveling all the time and working on this and that. Being in a relationship is a full time job. And not at all something that deserves to be halfway done.

"I did however get most of your stuff packed. The large suitcase is stuffed. I can't believe I managed to fit everything you wanted in there. The thing's like a jack in the box ready to bust open," she laughs and I join in. "Also," she continues. "I can't believe how much lingerie you own. What, did you buy out Victoria's Secret on Rodeo Drive?"

"Kathrine!" I groan. I knew she'd be going through my things, and I can only imagine the look on her face when she opened my underwear drawer. In my mind, I can picture her standing there, tapping her fingers together like some movie villain after they've just been handed a nuclear weapon.

"What?!" She says innocently. "I'm all for it."

"Thanks," I grumble, wondering why the hell I thought it would be a good idea to call. "I don't need your approval."

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