Author's Note

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Hey, everyone! Thank you so much for everyone continuing to read/vote on the Herophine fanfic I've written over the last few months! I cannot believe that "Second Chances" has over 12k views! Insane! With that being said, I'm aware that I haven't updated part 3 in a few weeks. I've wanted so badly to sit down and write another chapter and continue the story for you guys but everytime i go to do so, i literally have no inspiration. I'm at a loss as to where I want the story to head. I'm hoping that when the time comes closer for 'After We Fell' to be released, that will spark some new creativity and ideas. Please don't hate me! I just don't want to put out something subpar for you guys who seem to enjoy the stories!!

One more thing: I woke up this morning from THE most vivid and crazy dream. A dream that literally had me crawl out of bed, open my phone and begin jotting down ideas instantly; characters, names, aesthetics, storyline. The whole nine yards. Talk about inspiration? It was incredible.

I've begun writing the first chapter, and let me just say that it's going to be way different than my previous works. This will not be a fanfiction. It will be fiction in the third person point of view. I am over the moon with excitement about this project and cannot wait to share with you the ideas in my head!

I hope you all understand where I'm coming from with postponing "Herophine" part 3 for now. And i hope you stick with me on this new journey we will soon begin. 🧡

Much love to you all. -JES

Herophine: All Good ThingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora