Chapter 8

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Hero's POV:
"My Uber's here. I have to go," Jo whines as she tries to pull her lips from mine but I manage to gently bite onto her lower one smiling.

"I mean... you don't have to. You could tell her you aren't feeling well, you have an interview, or that we got a little preoccupied.. I wouldn't mind the last one myself, but..." my words are cut off when she places a quick kiss onto my lips and settles back down off of her tiptoes in front of me.

"I'll be a couple of hours. Why don't you get some of that pent up energy out and go for a run while I'm gone," she smirks while breaking free from my arms around her waist.

"Fiiiiine.." I drag the word out and throw my head back. As much as she believes that I'll be miserable while she's off doing whatever it is sisters do together, Ive actually planned this entire outing, unbeknownst to her.

After seeing Jo upset and trying her best not to break down last night after the topic of babies was brought up in her interview, I took it upon myself to call her sister while she was taking a shower. I didn't go into too many details with Kath, like telling her why Jo was upset, in fact I never mentioned such a thing. I just told her that I was planning something special for Jo and needed her to get her out of the house for a while this afternoon so I could set everything up.

I knew she would jump at the opportunity to spend time with her only sister since she too had been cooped up in her own apartment since all this madness began months ago. She did however try to pry information out of me as to what exactly I was planning for Jo, but I kept the details to a minimum only mentioning something involving dinner until she eventually gave up and we got off the phone just as Jo had opened the door to the bathroom.

As for her calling Jo this morning while I devoured her? That was not part of the plan, but damn that's a good way to start out anyone's day, yeah? I could practically see the pleasure trying to burst its way out of Jo every time she bit down on her lip, trying her hardest to conceal her moans. Yeah, I could have maybe waited until she was off the phone, but let's me honest, that was fucking hot and so fucking good.. for the both of us.

Once Jo leaves the apartment, I get on with my list of things I've made for myself before she woke up this morning. Seeing as how we still aren't able to do much publicly because of the never-ending pandemic, I've decided to try my hand at cooking dinner for the both of us. Sure, I've made breakfast here and there while we've been in the apartment, but how hard is it to crack a few eggs into a pan and call it good?

I all but typed in the words 'Cooking for Dummies' when I was trying to find a recipe that wouldn't be too challenging but still manage to maybe impress my love. If I pull this off successfully, awesome. If it flops...well i guess we'll have something to at least laugh about tonight.

Jo texted me shortly after her and Katherine left the last store on their agenda. Seeing as how it's Saturday night and evening is starting to set in, I'd guess i've probably got a little over thirty minutes until she gets home to make sure everything is perfect.

She asked if she should pick up something for dinner on her way back and I told her that we would just order something in when she arrived. I managed to get the groceries i needed delivered from an organic corner store only a few blocks from our place. The thought of having to wander aimlessly through a store and possibly ask someone where the hell anything was quickly prompted me to make that decision. Jo does most of the grocery shopping, I only tag along for moral support I suppose. I did, however, actually go to a liquor store and pick up a bottle of red wine and small bottle of bourbon; I can manage my way around there just fine.

After texting Jo back, I set our small two person dining table the best I knew how and began getting my ingredients in order on the counter. Chicken alfredo.. how hard can this be? The minutes pass as the chicken sizzles in the pan. I lost count on how many times I checked to make sure it was making progress. The noddles however were easy. Once everything looks like it should, or as close to as possible, I stick it in the warm oven so it doesn't get cold. 6:22pm. She should be home anytime.

I make my way to our bedroom and slip out of my joggers and tshirt, quickly changing into something a little more formal for this little date night i've prepared. Am I over dressed? More than likely. Will Jo mind? Not at all.

After glancing at the time on my phone one last time, I toss it onto the couch and pour myself a whiskey on the rocks. Why am I actually kind of nervous? This is dinner, in our apartment..well Jo's apartment that I live at for the time being, with my girlfriend whom i spend most of every waking and sleeping moment with. In the back of my mind I know that she would enjoy eating chinese takeout out of a box in sweat pants with me on the couch, she'll love this. I'm sure of it.

As the brown liquid burns it's way down my throat, I hear the front door open and shuffling noises become louder.

"Hey! I'm home!"


Hey, everyone! Good to see you all again! Thanks for much for continuing to read Part3! I know updates have been few and far between so I'm sorry about that. Someone had mentioned a while back that Hero should plan a little date night for Jo since she was feeling a little down so here we are! As I was writing this, I thought to myself how funny it is how Hero can seemingly go from one extreme to the other when it comes to their relationship; the contrast between last chapter to now being nervous. Anyway, I hope you all have enjoyed the last two updates and I'll do my best to update again before the weekend is over! Let me know what you guys think! 🥰

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