Chapter 2

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Hero's POV:
Never in my life did I see this coming. I never pictured myself basically living in LA, with Jo nonetheless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the least bit mad about it. I'm just not one for constant hot weather.

After being able to travel internationally was put to an abrupt hault, days turned to weeks, which turned into months and now here we are. I can't even imagine if Jo and I would have been separated at the time that all took place. Being apart from her while I returned home to London was long enough. Being with someone day in and day out makes the time away really fucking hard.

Sure, I missed my friends and family back home. But seeing as how everything was literally shut down and the streets in London were like a ghost town, I didn't feel as bad about it. I wasn't missing out on anything compared to what I could have been missing out here. With Jo.

Now that we were pretty much living together, my feelings for her had gone to a place I thought only existed in fiction. It was possible to be all consumed by someone. Waking up next to her each morning made me feel like this was my home. She was all I needed. We had never had the freedom to cook together, watch endless hours of movies until our minds went numb, and the sex... where shall I begin?

After what had taken place in Georgia months ago, Jo switched up her birth control and we had eventually gotten back to the way things used to a way. I didn't want to push her into doing anything she wasn't comfortable with. The truth of the matter was we had lost a baby. Our baby. And it still fucking hurt. I was hurt and as much as she played it off, I knew Jo was hurting too.

Sometimes when we laid in bed at night, I would watch Jo after she had fallen asleep. Not too clearly, but clearly enough I could picture her carrying our child as time went on. She would have been an amazing mother. She still would be. Someday.

I had worked so hard to rid my mind of feeling like I had caused this horrible thing to happen to her. I did a lot of reading. I listened to a lot of podcasts. All in my spare time while traveling here and there before the world went to shit. I came to realize that these things happen, unfortunately it happened to us. There was no one to blame in our case. I think the guilt of what I had put Jo through with Vivian back in Atlanta made me hold onto that blame. But this was a fresh start. We were in a city neither one of us knew much about, together, navigating through these crazy times with the help of one another.

The second movie had since been released during this crazy time and promo tours had been nixed right from the get go. To be honest, I wasn't too sad about it. Sitting across from people day after day while they ask you the same questions get boring after a while. I can think on my feet. Pretty well I believe. But they always want to know more than you're willing to tell them.

I knew since this film was a lot more sexual, the questions would mainly revolve around that. Yeah we acted like we were having sex in the film...and? What did they want me to say? "So after we would have pretend sex, Jo and I would usually go back to our hotel and I would fuck her in the shower, the bathtub, oh the couch was a regular spot and of course the bed. We had sex so much that she ended up getting pregnant. That was after I told her I loved her for the first time." Okay.. the media and fans would fucking devour that but I'm gonna go with a no on that one.

Instead, we did interviews online. Which was nice. I literally sat in front of a screen where there was a barrier between me and a stranger digging into my entire life both on and off screen. Jo and I would be in separate rooms while we talked to them and I don't think anyone except Anna had a clue what was actually going on.

Since I started the After journey, this was the first time I felt like I could take a breath. I was 22. And some days before all this felt like I was ready to retire. But now, I felt refreshed. And in love. More so than I ever felt possible.

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