Chapter 28

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Jo's POV:

"Just a sec!" I shout through the apartment at whoever's knocking on my door. It's the middle of the morning, on a Saturday no less. I had just managed to slip into a pair of leggings and oversized hoodie after stepping out of the shower less than thirty seconds ago, my hair still wrapped up in a towel at the moment. What in the world is going on?

"Alright! Alright!" I say again as the knocking continues. Jesus, do people even practice patience anymore? I unlock the deadbolt and swing the door open to find my sister, in all her hungover glory leaning against the wall.

"What took you so long?" She asks under her breath. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning..

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you."

"And you couldn't call or text? What's going on Kath?" I ask nervously as I shut the door behind her and follow her to the kitchen.

Instantly, I'm worried something happened between her and Jaxon after we went our separate ways last night. And I can't help myself but ask.

"Did something happen? Are you hurt?"

"What? God, no. I'm fine. Just have a headache from hell but I'm not here about me," she says as she plops down at one of the stools by the island, rubbing her temples to try and ease some pain.

"You want some coffee?" I offer, grabbing a cup out of the dishwasher.


"What was so important you came all the way here. My money had you sleeping in until after two," I laugh as I slide a cup of steaming coffee towards her.

"I was woken up early. As in.. when the sun was starting to come up. Thanks to none other than that tall British guy you seem to like so much.." she says as she takes a sip, quietly humming at the taste of French roast.

"What?" I say, startled, nearly spilling the coffee I've begun pouring for myself. "Who? Hero?"

"Yes, Hero," she chuckles. "What? You know that many guys that match that description? How rude of you not to share.."

"He called you?" I cut her off. Finding her sense of humor not all that funny at this particular moment.

"Yes. At the crack of dawn. Something about not being able to get ahold of you. He's been worried. Oh, and that he's really sorry. Whatever that means," Kathrine answers with a shrug. "There may have been more but I was still like more than half asleep so.."

He called my sister. In the past, when arguments would ensue and either of us needed a little time to cool off, we'd granted each other that. Sure, at this point I was taking it a bit far. But he had never called my sister to get through to me. This was almost too much to take in at the moment.

"Aren't you going to tell me what he did? Why he's sorry? He sounded pretty broken up on the phone, Jo," my sister's voice bringing my attention back to the present.

I take a sip of coffee, contemplating how to voice this to her. The main reason any of this had even come about was because of the night we had spent together. I didn't want to make her feel like any of this was her fault.

"We just got into it the day after you and I went out to the bar. Nothing crazy.." I reply nonchalantly.

"Crazy enough not to answer his calls for days on end.." she states, her eyebrow raised. She knows me better than anyone. I wouldn't blow Hero off for this long if it wasn't for good reason. And she's not buying my words.

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